
Monday, October 15, 2012

Think Pink: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Giovanni Boldini

Photo: Skye Fillmore

Giovanni Boldini

Albert Herter

Jean Gabriel Domergue

Mariloes Reek

Andrew Lattimore

Augusto Giacometti

Egon Schiele

Giovanni Boldini

Martin Johnson Heade

J.J.J. Tissot

Frank Stanley Herring

Marie Felir Hippolyte Lucas

Edward Lear

Guy Pene de Bois

Jean Baptiste Perronneau

John Humphreys Johnston

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and as some of you may know, I am a breast cancer survivor - going on four years now. So, this 'all things pink' post is just a reminder that if you are of a certain age and haven't lined up a mammogram, perhaps you ought seriously to think about it.  Monthly self-exam is how I found my lump so keep that in mind as well. When it comes to cancer, much better early than late.

Until me, there was no cancer in my immediate family and I'm the type who never gets the flu or even a cold. Imagine my surprise.

October 19th is National Mammography Day. Awareness is key, ladies and gents. Don't be foolish. If  an old scaredy cat like me can take care of business, then you can too. Just do it.

Useful links: 
American Cancer Society
Susan G. Komen Foundation (Very helpful to me.)


  1. What a beautiful post, Yvette. Love a lot of the paintings by Boldini, Herring, and more.

    Yes, good to remind us about mammograms -- always. There is breast cancer in my family, too. I never met my paternal grandmother, who died in 1930 from breast cancer, at the age of 36. And another immediate relative has survived this disease.

    We're all so glad you beat back this darned disease!

    And I will make my mammogram appointment tomorrow.

  2. Lovely paintings, Yvette! That's a great health awareness message.

  3. Loved the post and message. My grandmother went through it a few years ago and is doing so much better now.

  4. Dear Yvette -

    I enjoyed this posting and it caused me to make a happy diversion to see more paintings by J. J. J Tissott.

    Congratulations on your wellness - we want you to enjoy that pretty granddaughter for many years to come!

  5. Good for you, Kathy! I had a great deal of fun choosing my 'pink' paintings. :)

  6. Thanks, Prashant. Just a reminder.

  7. Ryan, I'm so glad about your grandmother.

  8. Thanks, Mark. I would have been very peeved if I'd missed meeting my grandaughter. :)

    I'm a big fan of Tissot's work.


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