
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Xavier Mellery

The power went out at approx. 7:30 Monday evening and just came back on this morning at 6 so that wasn't too bad. (Actually it seemed like the power was out forever.) I pretended it was the 1800's as I carried candles from room to room (as well as a flashlight which I pretended was a gas lantern). Perfect night for a murder, I thought, and scared myself silly. Ha! Probably the result of reading one too many murder mysteries. You think?

John Singer Sargent

Turns out though that two of the books I brought home from the library and talked about in my previous post, were duds. I began reading one, got half way through and put it down on the little table by the front door where books - half-read - sit in a kind of downcast and woebegone state. Then I began a second book and it too wasn't especially thrilling, so it joined its depressed friend on the table. The third book I picked up is faring a little better. Don't you hate when that happens? You bring home a bunch of books with the highest of hopes and already two aren't quite what you expected. Well, even the best writers can't be expected to write classics every time out. I am disappointed but philosophical.

Amelie Fontaine

Large areas of New Jersey are still without power and many of the coastal areas have been devastated by the hurricane as you all no doubt know. I'm just now reacquainting myself with the news outlets and piecing together what happened while my power was out. It was a very scary business. Not something I'd care to go through anytime soon. But it could have been much worse for me and Rocky and don't I know it. We were very fortunate.

So, a hurricane can hit inland New Jersey - who knew?

New Jersey and for that matter, New York, are rarely in the path of hurricanes. For many of us Hurricane Sandy came as somewhat of a surprise. Obviously, we've been spoiled. Mother Nature doesn't like it when we get smug.

Oh, almost forgot, it's Halloween. I'm kind of hoping most people will settle for indoor celebrations if they celebrate at all. Got bags of candy here just in case. But jeez, this is not the kind of day for kids to be traipsing about in costumes - what with downed branches and trees and electrical wires flopping about. Just sayin'.

At any rate, glad to be back to what passes for normal around here. Thanks so much for all your kind care and concern. This community we have of online friends is a truly wonderful thing. I'm feeling blessed.

Samuel L. Margolies


  1. So glad you are fine Yvette. We are pulled up short by mother nature aren't we? Again so glad you will be able to continue your very fine blog Quirkfarms

  2. Hello, Yvette! I'm glad you and your family are safe and sound and that things are returning to normal. You're right, I haven't heard of a storm hitting your leg of the woods either, certainly not on this scale. I saw many images of Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath and the one image that kind of stuck in my head is the one where strong winds knocked down a high-rise crane in New York. Pardon me if this sounds a little insensitive; it's because I edit a newspaper on projects and we write about cranes all the time. Terrific illustrations, by the way.

  3. I'm glad you have your power back Yvette! This was truly a devastating hurricane for so many areas on NJ and NY.

    I hope we've sen the end to these type of storms for this season. I think we all learned how to prepare better after this one!

  4. PS: Happy Halloween!

    I don't think we will get any "trick or treaters" today :(

  5. Yvette,

    Glad to hear you and yours came through safely.

    Mother Nature can be devastating when she gets upset.


  6. I can breath a sigh of relief. So happy to read that you fared the storm better than most in your state.

  7. Yvette, Very happy to hear you weathered Hurricane Sandy without major damage or mishap.

  8. Very glad you are doing OK Yvette (and back in the land of the blogging).

  9. Thanks - yes, I'm fine. I was lucky. Counting my blessings. :)

  10. Thanks, Prashant. We're all safe and sound though my daughter is still without power. I feel blessed here, I really do. It could have been much much worse. Today I walked around the neighborhood - just a couple of blocks away there's a gigantic tree lying across a squooshed house.

    The crane didn't topple. They were able to deal with it.

  11. Pat, it's time to realize that the weather patterns are changing and that we'd all better change with them. The old rules just don't apply anymore.

  12. They changed trick or treat to Monday the 5th. I'm kind of hoping it will rain. Ha. Well, I still have all the candy left over from the 31st at any rate. :)

  13. John, are you being facetious? Breathe easy, my friend. I'm safe and sound unlike so many of my fellow New Jerseyans.

  14. Thanks, Eve. Yes, we were very lucky.

  15. Sergio: Back in the land of the blogging. Ha. I love it. Yup, I'm back.

  16. Glad to hear you came through safely, Yvette. We lost power here about the same time you did - about 7:30 PM last Monday. It's still not back, and believe me I'm pretty tired of dark and cold.

  17. Oh, I feel for you and your family, Les. My daughter is without power as well. They're saying another week. Unfortunately my place is too small or they'd be over here for sure.

    At least the gas lines seem to be freeing up a bit.

  18. Glad to see you're back online after the big storm. Hurricanes are terrible things, glad you're well and safe. Pam

  19. Thanks, Pam, I'm glad to be back. But tonight and tomorrow we're getting hit with snow and high winds so we're in for it. Hopefully it won't be as bad as they predict. :)


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