
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday Salon: Olympic Arts

Design: Jean Droit

Design: Ilmari Sysimetsa

Designer: Orsi

Design: Walter Herr

Design: John Sjurd

Design: Armando Testa

Design: Primo Angelli

Design: Tom Wesselman

I've scoured a million online sites (well, maybe not a whole million) to bring you a nice bunch of well designed, well-executed Olympic posters featuring terrific artwork. The search was definitely worth it.
I've culled these from all over the net and I make no claim to owning any copyrights. I post these for our mutual artistic enjoyment and education. Where possible I've listed artist's information.

Tokyo Plastic Studio


  1. I love Olympic art posters. You've displayed a great collection here. Thanks.

  2. Thank you for these images. There is so much more to enjoy about the games besides the games themselves.

  3. Very nice posters.

    I wonder when women and women's sports came into the picture. So many of the posters' themes revolve around men.

    Poster art is a whole genre in and of itself. It really can be striking.

  4. Love them. I sometimes wish the modern posters looked like this.

  5. Great collection - thanks for assembling them, it must have take you a long time.

  6. It's interesting to see the graphic design evolving in these posters — I can't decide which I like best, but for me, it's between the first French poster and the Atlanta poster.

  7. You're welcome, Jacqueline and Caftan Woman. :)

  8. Kathy: These were the best posters I could find online regardless of gender. I am not an equal opportunity blogger - ha!

    I do my best.

  9. Well, I did include a couple of modern ones. But I'm like you, Ryan, I love the older ones best.

  10. Rosemary: You're welcome. Actually, just a few hours or so. If I'd spent some real time on it, I probably could have found many more. :)

  11. I like those too, Mark. But I also like the equestrian one and the odd one with the foot. I tried to verify the artwork but couldn't. It looks so much like Seymour Chwast or Isidore Seltzer. But couldn't verifyy.

    There were a beautifully designed one or two for the 1938 (or was it 36?) Munich Olympics (with Hitler in attendance) but I didn't want to include those.

    There was a bit of artwork controversy for the Stockholm 1912 poster - the artist had left the man in front completely nude, but had to add the telltale ribbon at the Olympic committee's insistance.

  12. You have great taste and picked very good posters.

    In general, I was just wondering when women were allowed to compete.

  13. Great stuff, Yvette! I never imagined Olympics posters look as marvellous as these. The 1932 poster with the Red Indians is out of this world. Now I hope you'll do one on mystery novels surrounding the Games. I can't think of any.

  14. The date was 1900, Kathy. Believe it or not. I thought it was later.

  15. Prashant, didn't do mystery novels set at the Olympics....Can't think of any off the top of my head.

    But I did do a movie. See today's post. :)


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