
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday Salon: By the Sea, By the Sea, By the Beautiful Sea...!

Edward Henry Potthast (1857 - 1927 ) was as American Impressionist born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He studied in Munich and Paris and worked as a lithographer and illustrator. But it is mostly for his sunny beach canvases and his facility with light, color and movement, that he is remembered.

To learn more about Potthast and his work, please use this link.

Disclaimer: I've culled these examples of Edward Henry Potthast's work online purely for educational and artistic enjoyment purposes. I do not own nor make any claim to own the copyrights.


  1. They make me wish the weather wasn't so hot that I could enjoy a good dip in the water.

  2. Beautiful pictures. There's something so inspiring about art of the sea.

  3. Lovely paintings. I could feel the cool sea breezes and hear the waves and feel the gritty sand between my toes! Thanks for the quick trip to the beach!

  4. Ryan: Oh, but once in the water it would be wonderful. No?

  5. Joan: You're welcome. What with all the really hot weather lately, I thought a trip to the beach was called for. Real or imagined. :)

  6. Potthast's work is deceptively simple, one sign of a master. I look at the last image and really appreciate how he captures that water.

  7. it's the getting there part that sucks though :-)

  8. Who doesn't love the sea! Regrettably, I don't remember the last time I went to the beach. The paintings of mothers with their tiny tots are lovely. I can picture their innocent squeals as their little feet touch the waters.

  9. Those paintings make me feel like a kid again.

  10. Beautiful! thanks for sharing I so enjoyed looking at them!


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