
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Overlooked (or Forgotten) Film Tuesday: SUSPECT (1987) starring Cher and Dennis Quaid

Today is Overlooked (or Forgotten) Film Tuesday, the weekly meme hosted by Todd Mason at his blog, SWEET FREEDOM. So don't forget to head on over there and check out the links.
I'd literally forgotten about today's film until very recently. I've been meaning to re-watch it but haven't had a chance. Hence, my post is based on memory with one or two proddings from IMdB.

Cher is one of the most engaging and charismatic film actors. It's hard to fathom how she does it, especially with her dazzling appearance - yet somehow she manages to disappear into her roles. Not only is she gorgeous, but the woman can act. Why she hasn't made more movies is anybody's guess.

The SUSPECT screenplay proposes the absurdity that a New York defense attorney (Cher) and a jury foreman (Dennis Quaid) could cahoot to solve the case they're both involved in (the case being tried in court) in which Cher's client, a deaf mute homeless man (Liam Neesom in one of his first roles), stands accused of a brutal murder.

As if no one would notice the lawyer and the jury foreman chatting mysteriously in the shadows. It is impossible (not to mention forbidden) for a defense attorney to have anything to do with a juror, let alone, the jury foreman, most especially DURING an on-going trial. It would mean immediate dismissal of said trial. (Not to mention a HUGE black mark against the attorney - a hearing for sure.)

But somehow, Cher and Dennis manage it.

Aside from that major implausibility, this film has some very sinister goings-on within the empty halls and underground passageways of a large court building: Shadows. Strange noises. Clicking heels. Echos. All sorts of sounds in the dark. Plus a very intriguing courtroom mystery.

A terrific thriller with a wham-bang of an ending.


  1. I liked Cher a lot in SILKWOOD and in this one. Some of the others, not so much. She is larger than life sometimes.
    But this is a solid film IMHO.

  2. We agree, Patti. I have this on my queue for another re-watch one of these days. I never saw SILKWOOD, but I loved Cher in MOONSTRUCK. Didn't even mind Nick whatsiz int that one.

    It was just such a superb supporting cast too. And the setting....those dogs, that old Italian grandpa. A lovely movie.

  3. Interesting review, I've always thought Cher was underrated so it is got to know someone else agrees.

  4. Yvette, I haven't seen this film though I liked Dennis Quaid in some of his films including ROOKIE and VANTAGE POINT. I remember Cher only in MOONSTRUCK and often listen to her song "Believe."

  5. I loved this movie when I first saw it! Cher and Dennis Quaid and the overall mystery were fantastic. Great film selection! (As another commenter mentioned, I loved Cher in Moonstruck as well!)

  6. Er, by the way, it's Natalie from Coffee and a Book Chick. I signed in with my other blog! :)

  7. We do agree, Vinnie. I think she was tremendously underrated even if she did receive an Academy Award for MOONSTRUCK. A well-deserved one, I might add.

  8. Then you really need to see this one, Prashant. It's a terrific thriller even if you have to go at it with a tremendous suspension of disbelief. :)

  9. Hi Natalie, I figured it was you, whatever name you use. :)

    Yes, this is a movie I am definitely going to rewatch - just to see if it's as good as I remember it being.

    The ending IS good, isn't it?

  10. Great choice Yvette, I liked this one a lot, especially John Mahoney's performance as the judge, long before FRASIER of course. Got to see him once in London in a touring production of THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER which was great fun. It's also another good example of a movie that would get termed Hitchcockian and mostly gets away with it thanks to some nice, understated direction by Peter Yates.

  11. Sergio: John Mahoney was also good in MOONSTRUCK. Remember?

    I could have written about this film for Dorian's Hitchcock-That-Wasn't Blogathon. You're right.

    It passed through my mind early on, but for whatever reason, it then slipped away. :)

  12. I love Cher, but have never seent his movie. I need to get my butt in gear.

  13. I've never even heard of this movie but it sounds like I'd enjoy it. I like Cher and Dennis Quaid (and Liam Neeson!).

  14. Ryan, you will love this movie. I'm sure of it. :)

  15. You too, Lauren. It's a good popcorn movie and even though I've never been Dennis Quaid's biggest fan, I like him in this.

    I believe this was Liam Neesom's first movie. It's not a huge part, but it's pivotal.

  16. I love Cher's acting, and had a huge crush on Dennis Quaid after I saw him in Frequency. This sounds sweet!

  17. Debbie, you'll love this if you like Cher and Dennis Quaid. It's a wonder that this film didn't get more attention at the time.

  18. I liked the mystery in this film a lot and Cher's acting.

    She is underrated. I hadn't thought of that. She's good in this and in Silkwood and terrific in Moonstruck, a wonderful movie.

    I should see Suspect again.

  19. Kathy: Definitely underrated. I have this lined up to watch again on my Netflix queue.:)


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