
Friday, April 27, 2012

Taking A Break

Artwork by British Golden Age illustrator, Racey Helps.

Taking a few days off to rest and relax. Working on the 101 Master List took a lot of  time and energy and I find I need a break from self-imposed posting deadlines. I'll be around though, catching up on your blogs and leaving comments which I've been very lax to do lately.

But mainly I want to spend a bit more time reading. Life is short and my TBR pile is starting to overwhelm. I hope to be back sometime next week.


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  3. Enjoy! Read, relax, do nothing, enjoy springtime.

  4. Enjoy your well-deserved break, Yvette. A week of reading books ought to be a good tonic for mind and body.

  5. Enjoy your vacation — sometimes the ones we take at home are the best!

  6. Hello Yvette:
    Well, we certainly feel that you deserve a rest. Your posts have been a string of triumphs of research and informed opinion, and a break from it all is surely just what is needed to recharge the batteries!

    We shall look forward to your return.

  7. A reading vacation! Just my type of r&r.

    Need tea and cookies, though, too -- especially if you're reading British books. Or should I say biscuits?

  8. Yvette, good for you, giving yourself some rest and relaxation! We know you'll be refreshed and rarin' to go!

    On a somewhat more serious note, can you please join us fellow bloggers in sending thoughts, prayers, and good luck and good energy to our dear friend and fellow blogger Dawn Sample of NOIR & CHICK FLICKS? Dawn has been diagnosed with cancer, but she's determined to kick cancer's butt, so wish her luck, won't you? Thanks, my friend, and sorry to interrupt your down time!

  9. Sorry to hijack your blog again, my friend, but if you're interested, here's a link to Dawn Sample's NOIR & CHICK FLICKS blog is you'd like to wish her well:

    Now then, back to your regularly scheduled rest and relaxation at last! :-)

  10. Will do, Picky. In fact, finally finished a book I'd been lingering over because I kind of didn't want it to end. (You know how that goes.) Began another one immediately.

  11. Prashant: I'll be reading and Pinterest-ing. Ha. Yesterday I thought I'd do something else for a change and wound up on Pinterest most of the day, mindlessly pinning my little heart away. But I was relaxing and that's what counts.

    Did manage to finish one book and begin another. :)

  12. Yes, well said, Mark. A 'stay-cation'. Just hanging around. The important thing is no deadlines. Even when they are self-imposed they can be weary-making. :)

  13. Thank you Jane and Lance, I guess I'm all informationed-out. :)

    I'll return soon, refreshed and relaxed - I hope. :)

  14. A reading vacation, Kathy. Maybe a reading and movies and Pinterest vacation. Ha.

  15. Thanks for letting me know, Dorian. I'll head on over to wish Dawn well.

    Hey, I kicked cancer's butt almost four years ago. It's do-able. I'll send good fighting vibes Dawn's way. :)

  16. Enjoy it! I'm thinking of doing the same thing sometime soon.

  17. Enjoy your break Yvette - we all need to take them from time to time. Come back refreshed.

  18. Enjoy your well deserved blog break, Yvette! I will probably be taking one in a few weeks when my daughter's wedding date arrives. So may little details are waiting to be taken care of ...I will need a vaction after the wedding

  19. Hope you've been having a relaxing time! You deserve it after posting so many wonderful things day in and day out.

    Your blog is the last one I visit because I want to take my time with it. I can skim through most of the other blogs I regularly read but that is something I can never do with in so many words…. Thank you for that! :-)

  20. Oh, you are still gone! Miss you! But hope you are doing a lot of fun reading!

  21. Are you okay, Yvette?

  22. Do it, Ryan. It's good to take a break if you're feeling pressure.

  23. Thanks Rosemary, I'll be back soon. It's been a good break for me.

  24. Oh you will be having so much fun, Pat. I remember my daughter's wedding, I haven't danced so much in years. Had a great time.

    Take plenty of pix though for the blog.

  25. Willow, you are so sweet to say that. Thank you.

    I'll be back soon.

  26. Nan: Not as much reading as I'd hoped. Been spending a lot of time hanging around Pinterest and mind-lessly pinning away. It's a great way to relax. At least, for me it is.

  27. Kathy: I'm okay, just chillin'. :)

    I hadn't realized how tired I was. I have these spells of being extraordinarily tired and not wanting to do anything. So I'm just indulging myself.

    I'll be back soon.

  28. I inadvertently removed a bunch of your comments - honestly I can't make heads or tails of this new google lay-out. APOLOGIES!

    Anyway, I thank you again for all your kind words and I'm definitely back to stay!!


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