
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lemony Snicket Strikes Again!

It isn't often that a book cover makes me laugh out loud or, for that matter, a book title - but this morning's 'Omnimystery' email news about Lemony Snicket's new book/series did just that.

You know Lemony from his Series of Unfortunate Events books for kids (and those of us who are kids at heart), now it appears he's writing an 'autobiographical' series. One shudders to think.....

Last month a new series of Lemony Snicket autobiographical books was announced by Little, Brown. Today, the cover of the first of these was released.

"Who Could That Be at This Hour?" will be published on October 23rd, 2012. Though no synopsis is available, here's what has been revealed about the books in the "All the Wrong Questions" series:

" In a fading town, far from anyone he knew or trusted, a young Lemony Snicket began his apprenticeship in an organization nobody knows about. He started by asking questions that shouldn't have been on his mind. Now he has written an account that should not be published, in four volumes that shouldn't be read."


(Can't help it, folks, this is my kind of humor.)


  1. This looks fantastic! I can't wait to snatch a copy of this. So fun. :)

  2. Me too!

    I mean, the cover alone would make me buy this. Not to mention, the title. Ha!

  3. Thanks for the heads up! I loved all those stories about Violet, Klaus, little Sunny of the sharp teeth, and their nasty uncle Count Olaf. Daniel Handler is a real eccentric guy based on some of the interviews and stories I've read of him on the interweb. I'd love to meet him some day.

  4. John: What's the interweb?

    I always get Handlers' name mixed up with another author who writes mysteries, so I always think of him as Lemony. Makes it easier on my brain trust.

    What did you think of the movie version of SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS? Hint: I hated it. Jim Carrey is like a huge crocodile, he swallows everything he's in.

    I did like the baby though.

  5. Ryan: Me either...! I'm already laughing and I haven't read anything else about it.

  6. Internet + world wide web = interweb. Just a smart alecky way to refer to the digital airwaves we bloggers inhabit.

    Knowing how you feel about Mr. Carrey I figured that you wouldn't care for the movie of the "Series of Unfortunate Events" books. Carrey was too much even for me in that movie. It's kind of a mess and often boring in places. Everyone is lost in all the crazy green screen FX and the over-the-top production design.

  7. Ah, got it. :)

    I can't stand all that green screen FX crapola.


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