
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What would HItchcock make of this? What would Tippi Hedren?

THE BIRDS is one of those movies that always manages to draw you in and keep you glued to your seat, no matter how many times you've seen it. At least it does, me. Hop on over to iluvcinema's blog and check out the overview of one of Hitchcock's most intriguing films.

After you're done giggling here, that is.

When I saw the (somewhat strange) Madame Alexander doll (see above), I had to post the pix in the spirit of my adding THE BIRDS to my Netflix queue. Isn't it a hoot? It's been too long since I've seen nature run amok in Bodega Bay.

I found the doll pix at this link.


  1. I absolutely love it! Thanks for posting the pic. My wife has some of the Madame Alexander Oz dolls.

  2. I don't know what they would think, but I love it.

  3. Hello Yvette:
    Now we are spoiled for choice about which is the most bizarre...the doll or the film..!!!

  4. I love this! I would so have this in pride of place on my sideboard :)

  5. I don't rate the doll, but the film is still one of my favourites and I'm glad to read in the linked article that it may be in line for re-release!

    Tippi Hedren was my idol as a youngster - and who wouldn't want hunky Rod Taylor as 'protector'! :-)

  6. Then she must add this one to her collection, Rick. :)

    I love it too. The more I look at it, the more it grows on me.

  7. Isn't it something, Rick? Who would think of such a thing? You really do have to wonder.

    But it does have a certain bizzaro charm. Ha!

  8. Hi, Jane and Lance, I can just see this doll added to your splendid collection of beautiful objects. It would certainly stand out.

    But not, necessarily, in a good way. :)

  9. I wonder if the cost is prohibitive. Probably. These older dolls can go for astronomical figures. Unless they're still being made. I wonder....

  10. Sue: I was never a big fan of Rod Taylor, but I liked him in this. It is a terrific film, no doubt. I've added it to my queue. Time for another re-watch. :)

  11. I want to see an entire Hitchcok series using Madame Alexander dolls. Marian Crane and Mrs Bates from PSYCHO, Madeleine/Judy from VERTIGO (another fur coat wearing character), maybe Blanche (Barbara Harris) and Karen Black's character from FAMILY PLOT and --of course -- Grace Kelly in all three films she did. Someone get on top of this now! :^D

  12. Yvette, your picture of and comments on Madame Alexander's doll-ing interpretation of Tippi Hedren in THE BIRDS made my day! On a related note, Vinnie's Christmas gifts to me included Mattel's special-issue Barbie Dolls dressed beautifully as Grace Kelly in REAR WINDOW (in that gorgeous black-and-white dress), TO CATCH A THIEF (in that Grace-ful Grecian-style blue gown), and Honor Blackman as Pussy Galore (love that name!) in the best James Bond film ever (in my opinion; your mileage may vary :-)), GOLDFINGER!

  13. What a loving husband, Dorian. Kudos to Vinnie. Hmmmm, that sounds like a song or maybe a Broadway play. :)

    This is such a goofy interpretation of a movie 'heroine' that I'm wondering if it was ever a big seller or just a one time thing.

    I'll have to do some research...!

  14. John, how about dolls for all the characters in REBECCA? Or for Janet Leigh, complete with shower?

    The possibilities are endless, my friend. Let's go into business together. We'll set up a shop on etsy. HA!

    If only I knew how to make dolls!!!

  15. Hi, Debbie! I love it too! Who knew this existed? :)

  16. What a hoot! I've always wanted a Madame Alexander doll, but i think I'll pass on this one ;0)

  17. Ha! I don't blame you. Although it could be a bit of a conversation atarter when you have company. :)

  18. Sorry that I am just getting round to this ... finally making my blogging rounds after a long busy week.

    First, thanks for the link love. I was wondering if you have seen the Hitchcock Barbie Doll. It lies somewhere in my blog's archives.

    Here is an Amazon link:

    As someone mentioned above there is also a To Catch a Thief and Rear Window one as well (confession: I own both :))

  19. You're welcome, iluvcinema. I ran across the doll by accident and thought instantly of your post.

    I'll check out the Barbies.

    You own two? Well, it's not a secret anymore. Ha!


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