
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting or Two.....or Three! Children and Books - Perfect Together, Especially on National Library Day in the UK.

James Shannon

Joseph Seymour Guy

Margery Mostyn

Joseph Seymour Guy

Pierre Renoir

Mary Cassatt

William Brymner

Pino Dangelico

Norman Rockwell

Pierre Renoir

Mary Cassatt

Source unknown

Jessie Wilcox Smith

Jessie Wilcox Smith?

Today is National Library Day in the UK so I'm showing as many paintings or illustrations of children reading or being read to, that I could find -  in support of libraries everywhere.

Norman Rockwell


  1. Yvette: They are wonderful pictures that made me thinking of reading to and with my sons when they were children.

    I am alittle sad that more boys are not part of the pictures. Only 2 have boys alone. A majority feature just girls. A few have boys and girls.

    I am not trying to start a debate on gender in reading. It is an observation.

  2. Okay, found another, Bill. Best I can do. :)

    I have no source for the artist, though.

  3. What a great theme!

    They are all good, but the last one is so funny.

  4. These are some of my favorite artists. Seymore Guy, Rockwell. I dodn't know that Renoir ad Cassett
    did illistrations for childrens books.
    Have a beautiful weekend.
    great post!

  5. Thanks, Dorte! Gotta' celebrate tose libraries in any way we can. :)

  6. Thanks, Yvonne. These are wonderful artists - aren't they? This was a fun post to work on...well, truth be told, they ALL are. :)

    You have a great weekend too.

    I just went out to lunch with my sister-in-law and my beautiful granddaughter. TOO much fun. Ha!

  7. These paintings and illustrations convey the pleasures of reading in a most wonderful way. I liked the Norman Rockwell painting very much. A boy with his books, his dog and his imagination...

  8. Beautiful pictures, Yvette - thanks so much for collecting them together for our enjoyment.

  9. Prashant: Yes, I like that one too. Like all of these, actually. Reading well is so important for children.

  10. You're welcome Debbie. I'm glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for dropping by. :)

  11. Lovely pictures...and I find Bill has already made the comment I was going to make: So many of the subjects of "reading/book" paintings are women and/or little girls. Possibly because the sedate, essentially passive act of reading was considered an appropriate pastime for females. For males perhaps, not so much.

  12. Well, you may be right, Deb. I did, after Bill's comment, add another drawing of a young boy reading that I found. The black and white one.

  13. We're voting on a millage in two weeks. I hope it passes. For a wealthy community, this one is very tight.

  14. These are so sweet. I love Jessie Wilcox Smith's illustrations--I grew up with her Mother Goose. I still find it enchanting!

  15. Patti: Millage? What's that? Just wonderin'.

  16. Lauren: Aren't they? I love these too. And I'm a big fan of Jessie Wilcox Smith. I like sweetness. :)

  17. What beautiful paintings! I like several of them, including Jessie Wilcox Smith's.

    It is just so pleasant to be catching up with blogs and find art to be appreciated, making me realize the role of art in people's lives (and music and books) and how uplifting it is.


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