
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Anniversary to The New Yorker Magazine...

The first New Yorker cover designed and drawn by Rae Irvin.

...which began publication on today's date in 1925. It remains, for me, the telltale arbiter of New York City literate life. This is not a magazine for 'the old lady in Dubuque,' as founder Harold Ross said, once upon a time.

But this old lady in New Jersey is very fond of Mr. Ross's creation.

Every year the magazine runs a contest where the public is invited to design their own anniversary cover featuring the top-hatted Eustace Tilley, a Regency dandy. who was drawn on the first cover by art director, Rae Irvin.

To see this year's winners, please use this link.


  1. the 13th and 20th cover was very witty, we thought!

  2. Hi, Yvette - By chance, I am featuring Saul Steinberg at my blog, and I didn't even realize it coincided with the New Yorker's anniversary. Thanks for the link to those Eustace Tilley covers — I loved them all and am thinking of getting in on next year's competition. What fun!

  3. I liked 9 and 10, Nan. Though your picks were good too. :)

  4. I love Steinberg. I have his book right here, featuring tons of his work.

    I'll be over to your blog in a moment. Soon as I catch up on the comments. I'm very slow on the trigger these past couple of weeks.

  5. I love the New Yorker but I have to admit that since I began blogging I haven't been keeping up with my magazine subscriptions and I let a few, including the New Yorker, expire. Just keeping up with the new York Times everyday takes a good hour or two. I wish there were more hours in the day for all I want to read...sigh

    Hope you are feeling well, Yvette! Please take good care of yourself. {{hugs}}

  6. Me either, Pat. I am way behind. And now there's Pinterest to take up any slack. Ha!

    Thanks for the hugs, Pat. They are appreciated. :)

    This is my normal hibernating season I think. :)


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