
Monday, January 9, 2012

If you have a half hour to spare, have I got a movie for you....! Wallace and Gromit in A MATTER OF LOAF AND DEATH

It's a mystery. It's a love story. It's the story of a wise dog's devotion to his dumbbell of an owner.

It's got crime. It's got tragedy. It's got explosions. It's got dead bodies! In fact, it's got everything a good thriller should have and it's all packed into a very nicely done half hour - or just about.

A MATTER OF LOAF AND DEATH is the heart wrenching, gut wrenching, all over wrenching story of a baker and his dog and the woman in the tight pink sheath who brings chaos and terror into their lives. Along with a fetching French poodle with remarkable eyelashes.

Wallace meets the love of his life.

Wallace and his lady-love spend a night out on the town.

In the quaint English town in which Wallace (the baker) and Gromit (the dog) live, a mad serial killer is on the loose. The target? So far, 12 bakers have been foully murdered. Will the unsuspecting Wallace be next?

 Watch this most entertaining short film and see if our heroes will survive their latest escapade.

Oh, I can't watch!

Is this the face of a serial killer? Worse yet, is this the face of a woman who would choke her dog? Unfortunately, yes!

As usual, it's Gromit to the rescue!


2 favorite things:

The fact that Gromit has no mouth and manages to express every emotion without uttering a sound.

The little pale green and ivory bakery truck. It's adorable.


  1. I love Wallace & Grommit and this film in particular is very clever. My daughter's favourite in fact

  2. I don't think I've seen this one, but I love Wallace & Grommit. I have two little Wallace & Grommit figures on my file cabinet, sort of guarding the place. Not very well.

  3. I LOVE Wallace and Grommit!! "Grommit, my lad..."! And yes, this one was truly hilarious.

  4. Hello Yvette - You just can't go wrong with a Wallace and Grommit movie! As a primarily visual person, I have to add that part of the great appeal of Wallace and Grommit is the delightful voices!

  5. I really want to see this! Now I just have to see if I can hunt this down.

  6. Lucy: This is an especially delightful one, it's true. Your daughter has excellent taste. :)

  7. That's my next purchase, Jacqueline. I'm going to have them guarding my workspace too. :)

  8. JNCL: I note that everyone is spelling Gromit's name with two M's. But in the title it only has one M. That I can see, anyway...

    Well, either/or, I laughed out loud at this one. In fact, I think I'll watch it again.

    I especially love too, the windmill house where the guys live.
    Couldn't find a pix of it online though.

  9. Mark: But isn't it perfect that Gromit has none? He is just the smarter of the two and the most long suffering. :)

    Visually, I love all the cozy little details of their wonderful world.

  10. Picky: Netflix has it on their streaming menu for now.

  11. I used to watch this with my son. The animation is very unusual. Aardman Animations did an equally great job with CHICKEN RUN.

  12. Prashant: I love clay-mation! :)

    Loved CHICKEN RUN, in fact, I have the little figures standing just below my computer screen.

  13. Claymation is the right word! Never thought of it. Thanks...

  14. So many Wallace and Grommit fans! Nick Park's stop motion movies from the Ardman studio are excellent. I loved the one with the criminal penguin made several years ago. Park even admitted he wanted it to be his tribute to Alfred Hitchcock movies. I've seen all these and wish he'd make more. But it's so time consuming - motnhs to make a short film and several years to make a feature length film.

  15. You're welcome, Prashant. I do love the 'goopiness' of it all. :)

  16. John: I can well imagine how long it must take. It is an art that requires a great deal of perseverence and patience. But the results are so worth it. I love these things.

    I'm lining up the one about the Were-Rabbits next. :)

  17. The fact that Gromit has no mouth and manages to express every emotion without uttering a sound.

    So true! I do love Wallace and Gromit!

  18. I've just spent a little more of my Christmas Amazon gift certificate! I love Wallace and Gromit but had sort of forgotten about them. Now, there a multi-film set on it's way to me and I'm looking forward to returning to the world of Wallace and Gromit. I love their cozy little house.

  19. iluvcinema: I agree. I particularly like the half hour films.

  20. Willow: They really are their own form of genius. :)

  21. Joan: Oh, so do I! It's perfection. Suits them to a T.

    Suits me too, actually. :)


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