
Monday, January 16, 2012

Go, Giants, GO!!!

Well, the NY Giants hushed all the naysayers yesterday by beating the practically unbeatable Green Bay Packers in their OWN STADIUM! A THRILLING GAME!!!

Imagine going to Green Bay - a legendary football town - and defeating the heralded Packers with their incredibly great quarterback, Aaron Rodgers at home! Well, we did it!


The Giants have their own incredibly great quarterback: Eli Manning. The man is SO COOL under fire. Love him!!

Our guy Eli Manning and their guy, Aaron Rodgers.

You should have seen us yesterday, jumping up and down and screeching. Even my little granddaughter (a future Giants fan) threw her arms up in the air - TOUCHDOWN!!

What a GREAT game!!


  1. I'm a big fan of Eli Manning. Quiet, unassuming, but great.

    You know, like me.

  2. I really expected the Packers to win since they beat Detroit three times.

  3. Ha!

    Of course, M.M. That's the first thing I said. Gee, Eli reminds me of someone...!

  4. Nah, we expected the Giants would pull through.


    Nail bitingly.

  5. It sure was a great game! I thought they could do it, but I had no idea they'd do it in such a big way.

  6. Elizabeth: Me too! I thought it might be neck and neck. But - WOW! This exceeded my expectations for sure.

  7. Aaargh! It's been heartbreaking football for us....the Saints couldn't hold on and lost to SF, and last week's LSU's lost was a huge punch in the gut! :(

    Nice thing, though, is watching Eli Manning get a little time to shine in the sun. (Peyton, always Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!) The Manning boys grew up here (my SIL taught all the boys in elementary school) and yep, they were all fine little kids and grew up to be fine young men. Go, Giants!

  8. We love Eli. He is the coolest guy around. Not to mention that our Giants are the coolest too. :)

  9. I'm glad to see that the youngest family member is already a football fan and likes the Giants.

    Wonder what will happen when baseball season rolls around? She'll be calling home runs and foul balls very soon.

    I was visiting my neighbor once when we were watching a baseball game and someone hit a fantastic home run. We all jumped up screaming, then the dog began barking, running around and then chased the cat. The poor cat paid for those points.

  10. We have a great time too, Kathy, watching football and baseball.

    Julianna will grow up a very sports oriented little girl. :)

    She just takes so much delight in cheering with us. :)

    I told you she already has her very own pink Yankees cap. :)

  11. I was so glad the Giants won, but I was also rooting for the Broncos and another Tebow miracle. Sadly it was not to be.

  12. Well, Pat, one out of two isn't bad. :)

    This was an incredible game.

    We were exhausted from cheering. :)

  13. My daughter is a huge Giants fan and we've having fun cheering them on against the 49er's today. Another big win against a great team in their own stadium. Wow!

  14. Lisa: Not to mention, last night's squeaker! Super Bowl NEXT! Your daughter obviously has great taste in football teams. :)


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