
Thursday, December 8, 2011

So You Think You Know Your Vintage Mysteries?

Over at PRETTY SINISTER BOOKS, a very intriguing vintage (mostly) mystery blog, John has finally taken the Trivia Challenge plunge. AND there are some very nice book prizes to go along with the correct answers to John's questions.

Of course, except for the few easy ones, the rest were an absolute blank to me. I'm learning daily that I know next to nothing about vintage books - tres embarrassante.

So, head on over to John's blog and see if you can do any better than me. Who knows? You might win some vintage goodies.


  1. Thanks, Yvette. "Very intriguing (mostly)" Hmmm... ;^)

  2. Oops. I meant 'mostly vintage' - sorry about that, kiddo. I'll re-word it. :)

  3. I love the graphic at the bottom of your post. That would make a great bookplate (does anyone use them anymore?). Very atmospheric!

  4. Joan, I believe it might be a bookplate. The wonderful artist's name is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't quite remember. At some point, when I do I'll add the credit.

    Old lady memory strikes again!!


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