
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Okay, it's OFFICIAL!

My Christmas wreath went on the front door today! The basket holding greens went on the little table underneath the mailbox. Now all I have to do spread some cheer inside (this weekend is good enough for that) and hang something bright and colorful in the window. Lights went kaput last year, so it's time for new ones.

Holiday madness begins.


  1. Your blog is beautifully decorated, as well. At Christmastime, I put a holiday screensaver on my monitor, and like you, I wait until it's at least December 1 before I deck the halls.

  2. Thanks, Mark. :)

    When it comes to Christmas, too much is never enough. Ha!

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  4. We still need to put up our tree! We're supposed to do that tonight--we'll see. Sometimes we're a little tardy.

    Love your wreath!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks, Lauren. I'm ALWAYS tardy. Join the club. :)

  7. I just finished decorating the last of my 12 trees today. I have a bit of polishing and baking to do, then I'll find my tripod and take some photos!

  8. Can't wait to see them, Cathy! 12 trees? I thought two small ones was enough. Obviously, I'm wrong. :)

  9. Pat: Thanks! Now I have to see about decorating the front window...Going to the store tomorrow to see what I can find. :)

  10. Beautiful! Since I do not put up decorations for the holidays, I will visit here for the lovely photos of holiday cheer.

  11. You'll be very welcome here, Katy. :)


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