
Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Yorker Christmas Covers

Cover art by William Joyce.

Cover art by George Booth. Who else?

Another one by Booth. He is a cruel man. Ha!

Cover art by Charles Saxon.

Cover art by Davis.

Cover art by Sempe.

Cover art by William Steig.

Cover art by Edward Gorey.

Cover art by Arthur Getz.

Cover art by Garrett Price.

There are very few magazines that have the design oomph of the venerable New Yorker. Especially at Christmas. These are some favorites.


  1. I agree. It's hard not to like New Yorker covers and the ones you've chosen are really good. I loved Santa in the chimney. What's he trying to do?!

  2. Ha! Coming in or going out? The dog doesn't know either. I love George Booth's cartoons!

    The New Yorker always has access to the top illustrators since they all know what a choice gig the cover is.

  3. What great covers! Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas! I love the illustration by Tricia Romance too!

  4. I love the third one the best! I can imagine my cats doing that, with their heads to the side wondering what Santa was doing!!

  5. You're very welcome, Peggy. A Merry Christmas to you as well.

  6. Bella: My little dog Rocky would be hanging on to a pants leg. HA!

  7. The Steig is my favorite, favorite. Thank you for posting these.
    I'd love to hear your take on the party pic. Colorless people, colorful food that they won't eat because they are dieting, always. What do you think??

  8. You're very welcome, Nan. I am such a fan of New Yorker covers. It's a joy for me to post them.

    That cover by Charles Saxon is a very cynical one. He specialized in urban chic. But usually with warmth. Remember the cover you liked of his with the guy in the window in his robe, drinking coffee and looking out at the snow? I adore that one too.

    This one is poking fun at certain types of city 'sophisticates'. I love how the food is so colorful and the people are so boringly gray. I agree with your take.

    That food will go to waste.

    It's a shame that these sorts of people parodied by Saxon seem to have lost the ability to truly enjoy themselves, especially around the holidays. Don't they look bored...

  9. I know I'd be all over that appetizer tray if I were at that party on the New Yorker cover ..HA!

  10. The Edward Gorey cover was part of my Christmas card selections this year.

  11. Really? I didn't know that was available as a card.

    I love Gorey's work.

  12. Pat: ME TOO!! Are you kidding me? Food is part of the celebration far as I'm concerned. Ha!

  13. I get his cards every year. I think I've had about 15 different designs.


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