
Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Gifts for the Eclectic Soul

Holiday Gifts for those among us who have esoteric needs. You know who you are.

The kinds of things no one ever thinks to buy for us, so we just have to buy them for ourselves. What? You've never done that? Right.

18 Gifts for the esoterically inclined:

1) Artist Catherine Nolin has gorgeous prints and original art at her etsy shop. She has a wonderful sense of color and mixes patterns with abandon. I can't think of a single room that wouldn't benefit from a Catherine Nolin hanging on the wall.

2) A Membership to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or any other local museum in their area would be a very welcome gift to any art lover.

3) Carol Gillott is a wonderful watercolor artist whose light-hearted prints and original paintings are to drool over. You can find Carol's work at her Paris Breakfast etsy shop. Currently you can buy originals for not too much money. She will also send your pooch to Paris (metaphorically) by doing a custom watercolor of Fido in some Parisian haunt.

4) For the man who has everything and needs nothing. A hand made steampunk eye-catching tie pin guaranteed to startle. See it at ArtifactsNRelics, an etsy shop.

5)  Needle felting mouse. What more is there to say? Cute doesn't quite begin to cover it. Find more hand made critters at T.C.M Designs on etsy. Let's face it, you can never have too much cute.

6) Am I always the last to know? Puffin Classics has a whole slew of beautifully re-designed (by D.J. Terrazini) classic books which are just scrumptious. And wouldn't they look divine on your bookshelves? Buy one as a gift, one for you, one as a gift and one for you, one as a gift and....Well, you know how it goes. Who can resist these?

See more at this post: The Terrier and the Lobster.

Love these sherbet colors!

7) And don't forget the gorgeous embroidery designed covers that Penguin Publishers developed with artist Jillian Tamaki.  Read more about these at Looking Glass.

8) A cleverly crocheted Edgar Allan Poe doll. I mean, who WOULDN'T want one? I laughed out loud when I saw it and that's enough for me. Just love it. Found this on etsy at yayhookedcrochet .

9) What classic movie maven wouldn't want a Bette Davis in DARK VICTORY doll? Debbie Ritter over at etsy has outdone herself with these little treasures featuring authors ( An Edith Wharton doll? Coming right up.), historical figures, actors and characters from movies.

Edith Wharton. Of course.

10) This vintage typewriter key bracelet is just right for the bookworms among us. Check out URmyType's shop at etsy.  Vintage typewriter key jewelry is too cool for...uh, school. (Is that the saying?)

11) Futurama action figures. Again, I ask: who wouldn't want these? I mean, even if you only occasionally watch the show, here's a way of having these oh-so-geeky characters watch over you. Amazon has a whole slew of them.

12) National Gallery history plates. Melamine. Personally, I'd hang them on the wall, but you're welcome to eat off them if so inclined. Available at mxyplyzyk, the uniquely Greenwich Village store. (Though they now have a smaller adjunct in Jersey City.)

13) Pop-up Turkey Timer. Okay, okay, it's a little peculiar - but in a good way. The little legs pop up, I think, when the turkey's done. Perfect hostess gift or stocking stuffer for the cook. At mxyplyzyk

14) An absolutely gorgeous Noah's Ark from Shaker Workshop. A little pricey, but it's hand-made in the USA and this is the kind of thing that should last for years. I can imagine passing it on to your children (if you don't lose the animals) OR you can simply add it to your home or office as a sculpture.

15) Bambino Soap Dispenser. I love it. Surely, I can't be the only one. Too, too adorable. Mxyplyzyk.

16) Love these Penguin mugs. The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler sits on my desk holding pens and whatnot. Tons of titles available at artmeetsmatter.

17) An exquisite piece of 'rejuvenated' jewelry from the artisan Amy Hanna would never be amiss. Most especially at Christmas time when flamboyance is the operating theme. I love Hanna's work. She also has a book showcasing her fabulous treasures. Link: Amy Hanna.

- OR -

If all else fails, there's always Ugly Doll. So ugly, they're cute. Again I ask: who wouldn't want one of these?

Please note: I'm not endorsing any of these websites or products other than to say I like the look of them. I get no benefit from making up this list except the fun of putting it together.


  1. Oy vey, you've just exploded my budget for the holidays of Christmas/Chanukkah, Kwanzaa and the Winter Solstice. Very inclusive here among friends and relatives.

    However, there are so many things which I want here, too. This helps with friends though.

    One question: Awhile ago you posted a list of, I think, 10 basic books, including one on archaelogy. I liked that list a lot and want to reconsult it. Can you tell me where to look?

    Thanks and now that my budget is in smithereens, I'll check out further purchases. What the heck, it's only money! Friends are more important.

  2. You are more than welcome to send a few to me for Christmas if you want :-)

  3. :-) I have that mug - OH bought it for me when he visited Torquay and there was a celebratory exhibition of 'all things Agatha Christie'.

  4. I've been wanting a Penguin classics mug for eons! I kept hoping someone in my family would find it on my amazon wish list or something...

    You've found some absolutely delightful items, which is great because I still haven't finished my Christmas shopping. Eeek!

  5. Kathy: before I forget, here's the link to that list:

    Sorry it isn't live, but I don't know how to do that yet. (Though I've tried.)

  6. Ryan: Ha! Wouldn't it be nice if Santa sent us all something from this list. It's a good one if I say so myself. :)

  7. Sue: I have the Raymond Chandler one. Don't you just love it?

  8. Lauren: This is the best way to shop without spending any money. I have so much fun putting these sorts of list together.

    Maybe you could print it out and drop the pix of the the cup accidentally on purpose on the dining room table, during dinner. :)

  9. Yvette - What a wonderful & gloriously eclectic array of gifts. I've fallen in love with much of this stuff and am fighting the urge to pick up something for myself (a Bette Davis doll, a typewriter key bracelet, Noah's (amazing) Ark, a piece of rejuvenated jewelry). What exquisite gift ideas - thank you! I hope you don't mind if I post a link to this piece on my sidebar.

  10. Eve: Link away, m'dear. THANK YOU. I'm so happy you enjoyed the list.

    I think I might break down and buy the Edgar Allan Poe doll one of these days. I mean, it just makes me laugh. And of course, I LOVE the Ugly Dolls. Ha!

  11. Yvette: I wish our family could adopt you. I would look forward to your gift or even gifts every Christmas.

  12. Thank you, Bill. What a compliment. :)

  13. Thanks Yvette!
    Very sweet of you to include me in your great list :)

  14. You're very welcome, Carol. I love your watercolors...Well, you knew that. :)

  15. Guess I'm not too 'eclectic.' :<) The only thing I like is #16.

  16. Oh, too bad, Nan. Well, not everyone can be eclectically inclined. :)


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