
Saturday, December 31, 2011


Cover art by Sempe.

Not doing much tonight. New Years hasn't been a Big Event in my life for many years. I guess I'm just not a hoopla kind of gal.

Here's a little New Year's gift from me to you, by way of Susan Branch's beautiful blog where I first saw this bit of charming video and song. What Are You Doing New Years?

Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Tonight's a good night for a glass of wine, a movie and/or a book and comfy flannel p.j.s. For me it's going to be THE THIN MAN movie and book-wise, I'm caught up in Lee Child's THE AFFAIR, his latest intriguing crime thriller.

When you get to my age, that's about as much excitement as you can stand. Ha!

Here's to a GREAT NEW YEAR!


  1. My new years eve was identical to yours! Watched the British Proms, read a gorgeous book and slept early!!!

    Have a wonderful 2012.

  2. You got there first, Mystica! Wait up for me. :)

  3. Happy New Year Yvette. I'll be bymyself after a while. My son has a sleepover party to go to and my roomate is going out. I can't wait for the quiet.

  4. It'll be quiet here too, Ryan. Maybe we're starting a trend. :)

    Happy New Year, kiddo!

  5. A very happy and healthy new year, Yvette!

    My husband and I stay in and watch the Time Square festivities on TV. I cooked a special meal earlier tonight and have a bottle of champagne chilling for later.

    I love Susan's blog ...she is so talented in many ways.

    I also love your new blog header! Is that an illustration for Mary Mapes Dodge's novel "Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates"?

  6. Yvette: Happy New Year! Sharon and I are visiting Calgary and going to the outside public celebration with a couple of teenage exchange students who accompanied us. As it is already -10C I am not sure how long we will be there.

  7. Yvette, a Happy and Blessed New Year to you and your family! I hope you have a fantastic 2012 in every way!!

  8. Aww, they're so adorable and sing so sweetly - thanks, Yvette.

    I'm watching PENNY SERENADE as the year ticks away, so there may be a tear or two shed by the end of 2011. I had to spend New Year's Eve with Cary Grant, what can I say?

    Happy New Year, Yvette!

  9. May 2012 bring joy to us all.

    It was movie night (aren't they all?) in Toronto.

    My sisters dove into some Charlie Chan flicks. I spent the evening with Dick Tracy. My daughter and her friends geeked out on all of the Lord of the Rings movies! All of them! Extended versions!

  10. Yvette, a Very Happy New Year to you and your family! Here's to more books, movies, paintings, and music on your blog!!

  11. Happy New Year to you and your family.

    With hopes for a new year of health and the happiness that good books -- especially mysteries, with a generous dose of Rex Stout in the mix -- brings.

    And looking forward to a new year of interesting and often hilarious book and movie reviews -- and looking forward to adding even more books and movies to my TBR and TBS (to be seen) lists. (The movie list of vintage and recent movies has increased vastly from this blog's reviews.)

  12. Just saw that you were reading and watching The Thin Man. When I finally read the book last winter, I really liked it. There is more serious substance to it in the book.

    But I watched the movie afterwards and enjoyed it more.

    Glad you had fun on New Year's Eve. I had to go to a party where I had responsibilities and friends to see, but it was fun and I mostly chatted to young folk who rewind to talk at 2 a.m.

    Time to go home and crash. Glad I went. Staying home with Sue Grafton's V is for Vengeance wouldn't have been a bad fallback plan. But I had to go and I must go today to a gourmet cook's New Year's meal where I will levitate from overeating fantastic food.

    Have fun today, too.

  13. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Yvette!

    All best wishes for a great year 2012!
    Bonne année! And thanks for visiting my blog and your friendly comment.
    Warmest greetings from the Périgord,

  14. Thank you, Pat. That champagne sounds like a great idea!

    It was even an quieter evening for me than I supposed. I watched THE THIN MAN (and really, I'd forgotten what a terrific film that is - I think I'll watch it again tonight) then read a few pages, then simply fell asleep. How's that for excitement?

    I missed midnight, but somehow it seems to have happened without me.

    The painting I'm using for my header (for now at least) is by a Dutch 17th century Master, Hendrick Avercamp. He was deaf and mute and was known for these wonderful winter landscapes. I've been meaning to do a Saturday Salon of his work...

  15. Thank you, Bill. Your New Years sounds like a more adventurous one. Welcoming in 2012 in FREEZING weather. That means, plenty of brandy to keep the circulation going. Ha!

    I've never been to Calgary, but I remember the fantastic Winter Olympics they had there. Looks like a fabulous place. :)

  16. Thank you, Eve. New Years with Cary Grant - what's NOT to lile? :)

    I spent my evening with William Powell dousing martinis as if prohibition would be signed into law again at the stroke of midnight.

    Well, he had the martinis. I just watched in amazement and enjoyed myself. I think I'm going to have to buy a BVD of THE THIN MAN. It needs to be in my small growing collection.

  17. Thank you, Caftan Woman. Wow. ALL the LORD OF THE RINGS? Now THAT'S what I call endurance. Ha!

    I think New Years ought to be dubbed Official Movie Night. It certainly was that for us. :)

    You comment reminds me I have a Dick Tracy movie on my shelves. Haven't watched it in a long while though. I've forgotten which one it was.

  18. Thank you, Prashant. The same to you! I don't do a lot of music because my blog just will not accept embeds, so I have to use the off-sight links. But if you all don't mind then I don't mind. :)

    I have a feeling that 2012 is going to be a great year!

  19. Thank you, Kathy. I aim to please AND to expand your TBR and TBS lists to the infinity and beyond. Ha!

    There is never a time when Wolfe and Archie aren't in the mix. :)

    I'm glad you went out and had a good time. That sounds like a true Manhattan New Years. And today's gourmet meal...I'm so ENVIOUS! :)

    2012 is going to be a great year. I know it.

    P.S. I wasn't reading THE THIN MAN, just watched it. I was reading (after the film) THE AFFAIR, the new Lee Child.

  20. I have that feeling too, Yvette, no matter what the Mayans think!

  21. Merci bien, Karin.
    Bonne Annee! :)

    Thank you for dropping by my blog as well. We're all in this together. Or so I like to believe.

  22. Thanks, Skye! Hope you had a great one! Give that little precious granddaughter of mine, a New Year's kiss from her Nana. :)

  23. Isn't that the best video! I think JG-L has a good voice. Maybe he'll start singing too. Let's see, substitute a cosmo for wine; and flannel nightgown for pjs, and our evenings were much the same. Except my movie was awful - Unknown. Tom said Hitchcock could have made a good movie out of that material. :<)

  24. Prashant: Ah, predictions for the end of the world. They're a dime a dozen. Ha!

    Confusion to our enemies!! :D

  25. Nan: Hadn't heard of that movie. Maybe it's just as well. :)

    I love a quiet New Years.

    I love Cosmos. Now why didn't I think of that?

  26. It was interesting to learn about Hendrick Avercamp, Yvette, as I realy like this painting. There is a Currier and Ives feel to it. Is it a watercolor?

  27. That I don't know, Pat. Could be oils I suppose. I'd have to check. I think I'll do a Saturday Salon on his work soon.

    Havercamp appears to have done some watercolor, but worked mostly in oils. I tried to find out if this particular painting is oils or watercolor, but had no luck. I'll have to dig deeper.

  28. As has been our custom over the past several years, my wife and I spent New Year's Eve with friends. As has also been true for at least the past few years, none of us made it to midnight. About 11 PM, as we all sat on the sofas yawning, we picked ourselves up, said "Happy New Year" and dragged ourselves home.

    Ah well. A very happy and healthy new year to you and yours, Yvette!

  29. Thanks, Les. We've turned into a bunch of old codgers. Ha!


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