
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Good Morning Christmas Picture.

Norman Rockwell's illustrations and the Holidays are practically synonymous. This one especially captures the happy frenzy of it all.


  1. What a lovely start to the day!

    So nice to see the snowflakes in that picture. It's unseasonably mild in Toronto and we are expecting rain. I really need the white stuff to revive my Christmas spirit.

  2. Nobody could capture ordinary people doing ordinary things with such joy.

  3. Caftan Woman: It's been unseasonably mild (more or less) here in NJ as well. Though I am NOT longing for snow. That happens when you get to be an old geezer like me. Ha!

  4. You're so right, Patti. Rockwell made the everyday extraordinary.

  5. I've always loved Norman Rockwell's illustrations, Yvette. He captured "the moment" so well!

  6. Know what you mean, Pat. No one ever did it better.

  7. Oh, when the postman was revered! Mail carriers must long for the days. Someone home to welcome him each day, children eager for the gifts in his bag, cookies at Christmastime.

  8. Exactly, Nan. The postman used to be someone whose job was important. I agree.

    This is one of my favorite Norman Rockwell pictures.

    But those days are gone.

    Now, I think, it's the UPS man...!


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