
Friday, December 16, 2011

Foreign Film Poster Friday

French poster for The Laurel & Hardy Murder Case.

I'd never heard of this movie, but now that I have, I must see it. How and when is the question.


  1. I haven't either, should be
    a riot. Let us know..

  2. I will! If I ever find it. Bonne chance to me. Ha!

  3. It's funny, because Laurel and and Hardy came up in a conversation I had today and now I see this poster on your blog! I always loved watching their movies on TV when I was a kid. I hope you find this one.

  4. I've never heard of that particular one, either. I hope you can find a copy. Thankfully, it seems like it's getting a little easier to get old and unknown films these days.

  5. I saw this film years ago and ever since I've been looking for it everywhere. No luck so far. The scene where a bat flies "under cover" of a white bed sheet and chases a terrified Laurel and Hardy out of their room and down the stairs is one of the finest examples of slapstick comedy I've seen. I hope you get this movie.

  6. Pat: That's the way the universe works - mention a name or a title and it shows up someplace else in someone else's conversation or blog. That's the way of it.

    Life can be very mysterious in a twilight zone kind of way. :)

  7. Lauren: I'm going to track it down in the New Year. You're right, it is getting easier to find arcane things. :)

  8. Oh, Prashant, now I have to find it for SURE! That scene sounds hilarious! I wonder why I've never heard of this??? Well, I can't KNOW EVERYTHING, as I never tire of saying. Ha!

  9. Here is a website where some clips of Laurel & Hardy movies can be seen for free.

    The bat scene from the murder mystery is here:


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