
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting or Two...or Three!

The Soda Fountain

Family Group

Sledding in the Park

Children Roller Skating

May Day

Cape Cod Pier

East Point Gloucester

Two In A Garden

The Bandstand

The Raft

Chez Bouquin

Miss Olga D.

Girl in a Red Dress

The Conservatory - Lenna and her mother.

Woman In A Blue Hat

Portrait Study

Natalie in a Blue Skirt.

Four Fruits

Bouquet Against Yellow Wallpaper

Bowl of Flowers

Flowers in A Blue Vase

Flowers on A Garden Chair

Still Life With Three Glasses

William Glackens (1870 - 1938) was an American painter and illustrator born in Philadelphia, Pa. He was co-founder of the 'Ashcan School' Art Movement, a group of eight painters who chose to exhibit un-juried work after being rejected by the National Academy. The subject matter of their paintings were often street scenes featuring city life. Everyday people at work or play.

Their exhibition in 1908 met with public approval and the paintings were sent on tour, curated by John Sloan. The eight are considered leading lights in the realist movement.

Painters like John Sloan, Robert Henri and Glackens studied and worked together, and of course, each felt the others influence. Glackens traveled to Europe in 1895 with a group of fellow painters, among them Sloan and Henri. He didn't attend school there, but painted independently.

Later in life, Glackens returned often to France, to paint and study the work of the Impressionists and Post Impressionists. His work took him away from the 'ashcan' movement he'd helped co-found. His paintings from those years show the much more colorful influence of Renoir.

Glackens became known for his portraits and later, for his still life work. If I had to choose only five paintings to take with me to a desert island, then Glackens'  Still Life with Three Glasses would probably be one of them.

To read more about William Glackens, please use this link.

William Glackens - Self Portrait


  1. Yvette, lovely blog. I'm now following. I read your profile and I had to share that I'm taking a first year class at the University of Toronto on the Paris Salon of 1830.

  2. Thanks for joining! Oh wow, I am green with envy over the class you're taking. I'll bet it's a fascinating course.

    As usual I forgot to add the 'Saturday Salon' part to my painting post, but have since fixed it.

    The Salon is something enjoyable I do every week. Hope you'll drop in now and again. :)

  3. Every time I see a painting or photograph of a soda fountain, I wish I had one close by!

    I really like "Chez Bouquin." She doesn't look terribly interested in her red-faced escort!

  4. Lauren: You have a good eye - Chez Bouquin is thought to be Glackens most famous painting.

    But that still life still does it for me. :)

  5. So many of these paintings shout "Renoir!" Much as I like them and can understand why Glackens would be inspired to fall under his influence - I prefer the paintings that not quite so Renoir-esque. My favorites here: 'The Soda Fountain,' 'Chez Bouquin' and the self portrait. Lovely work.

  6. I don't mind the Renoir influence in his work, Eve. After all, no artist works in a vacuum. But that's why I posted a good overview of his work - so that we can each pick our favorites. :)

  7. My vote is for "Bowl of Flowers." I'm really taken by the unusual cropping, which actually makes it (for me anyway) a very powerful composition.

  8. Thank you for the introduction to Mr. Glackens...I just loved Chez Boquin, that one stopped me in my tracks, and Miss. Olga D, directly after, captured my attention also...such a wonderful expression!
    It's always a joy to be introduced to *new* artists...and see their world around them, through their very talented eyes.
    xo J~

  9. Mark: That's the cropping I found online. I looked at a few of them and this seemed correct. I like it too.

    His still lifes are really wonderfully vivid.

  10. J - I'm so glad you liked the post. I really do enjoy putting these together and in the process learning about different artists myself.

    As you say, each one has their own view of the world.

  11. Another educational Saturday at Yvette's blog. What beautiful paintings.

    I like The Soda Fountain, then Woman in a Blue Hat.

    By the way, don't know if you saw Downton Abbey on PBS. It is a repeat, I think, but so good. Maggie Smith is so stellar, that with a single look, she could turn a person to stone.

    At every line she speaks, I just laugh out loud.

  12. What can I say, Yvette, lovely paintings as always. I used to enjoy drawing still life in school/college, mostly fruits and flowers. One of these days I'm going to sit and draw the bowl of fruits sitting on our dining table.

  13. We're learning together, Kathy!

    I saw the previous season of DOWNTON ABBEY online. I'm looking forward to seeing the new season online at some point as well. Can't wait. :)

    Maggie Smith is a treasure.

  14. Prashant: If you're inspired to draw and paint by one of my posts then my work here is done. :)

    Stil Life paintings are almost a specialty unto themselves, I think. The important thing is 'the eye' of the artist.

  15. If you've never seen Tea with Mussolini with a host of good stars, including Judy Densch, Lily Tomlin and Cher -- it's worth seeing for them and Maggie Smith, whose character changes in the movie, and who is just mind-boggling later on.

    I must look at her filmography and get some of her films.

  16. Sorry I didn't comment on this soooner, but I've been dealing with (and still am) a bad case of bronchitis so it hasn't left me a lot of energy for anything other than working and sleeping.

    Great paintings, especially Sledding in the Park

  17. Kathy: I've never seen the film but I've been meaning to. Have to double check and see if Netflix has it. Thanks for the reminder.

  18. Ryan: Don't worry about it. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well.

    Please take care of yourself and feel better soon. :)

    It's Christmas, you CAN'T be sick!!


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