
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Loot...uh, Swag...uh...Gifts!

I'm showing the British cover because the American one is uggo.

Surprise, surprise, Santa brought books! Thank goodness!! (Plus a few other special goodies including a little point and shoot camera to replace my last one which went kaput after five or so years.)

My daughter Skye ordered up a hardcover book of my granddaughter's year in pictures with this gorgeous photo making for a gorgeous cover.

My mom and pop in the late 1930's or early 40's. He in weight-lifting shorts and high-tops, she in chic dress and hairdo. They were so young.

Skye thoughtfully surprised me (and tears followed) with a picture of my mother and father which she'd englarged (from a tiny rectangle) cleaned up, clarified and had framed. My brother too got a copy and we were all misty-eyed.

Mom and Pop both made it to 89 (more or less), so I guess we can't complain. But I sure miss them.

Granddaughter enjoying her special Christmas chair.


  1. What lovely gifts your daughter made. How nice.

    But your granddaughter: Could she be any cuter? More adorable? More beautiful?

    And it was so good of Santa go bring her books: Best way to give them a love of books is to start them young.

    I bet she likes books.

  2. Also, you are one lucky reader to have received such good books from Santa.

    Looking forward to the reviews, especially of the P.D. James book, which was reviewed yesterday in the NY Times.

  3. Kathy: I'll have to check the Times review, see what they have to say.

    Yes, I am a lucky woman. :)

    If my granddaughter were any more beautiful, I'd be struck all of a heap. Ha! She is truly wondrous.

  4. Kathy stole my line, but I bet you don´t mind me saying it too: your granddaughter is sooo cute!

    But they grow so fast; I still think of her as if she is the curious little baby in pink. I love that picture.

  5. I love it too, Dorte. That's why I'm finding it so hard to update. But I love the one in the post very much.

    My daughter is one of those photographing almost everything moms. Thank goodness!!

  6. I need to do just that. And yours are so lovely.

  7. Don't you love it when Santa brings books? You must have been extra good this year!

    You have a very thoughtful daughter to give such a sentimental gift. The best gift, though, seems to be that little cutie with the big blue eyes and a pug nose! :)

    Glad your holidays were filled with blessings!

  8. I love photographs. Moments captured forever. No wonder, you were all misty-eyed. I am very glad you got the P.D. James book. Have a very happy new year.

  9. First, your grand-daughter is beautiful! (I love your daughter's name!) And that's saying a lot from me because I think I have the most beautiful grand-niece! Grace is almost a year old and loves books, too. She was delighted to get many at Christmas. Gives me hope for the future to see sweet little book lovers like yours and mine.

    Second, my cousin gave me Death Comes to Pemberley and gave The Greater Journey to my sister. My sister and I have agreed to swap books after we finish them.

    Have a happy, healthy, humane New Year!

  10. She does love her chair!! And all her giftas from Santa! Glad you like your books & camera!

  11. JOanne: Isn't she wonderful? Such a gorgeous baby. It was a real pleasure to spend Christmas with her doting mom and pop and the rest of the family.

  12. Neer: Same to you you - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Moments captured in time. I'm so thankful to have them.

  13. Thanks, Joan: I'll be posting my review of the Pemberley book next week, when all the holiday hoopla lets up.

    I'm prejudiced in favor of my granddaughter. After all, I AM her grandma! :)

    Happy New Year to you as well. It's going to be another great reading year.

  14. Skye: Love 'em, that's for sure. I love my prezzies. :)

    IT was a very special time.

  15. Yvette, thank you for sharing your lovely birthday gifts with us readers, especially your account of the restored photo of your parents! With the second anniversary of my dear mom's passing, I know getting your parents' picture looking its best had to mean a lot to you.

    On a brighter note, your granddaughter gets more adorable with every new picture! She's a beautiful little girl, which is no surprise, considering her lovely and lively grandma!

    Happy New Year to you and yours, dear friend!

  16. You granddaughter is a cutie and I love your new books. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  17. I did, Ryan, thank you. I hope yours was as wonderful. :)

    I love having a granddaughter. Who knew it was this much fun??

  18. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, Yvette! Your grand daughter is so beautiful..amd getting to be quite the toddler!

    I was also graced with quite a few book gifts this Christmas ..and a new camera lens, so I'm all set.

  19. Yes, I did, Pat. Could you tell? HA!

    Sounds like you had a good one too. My daughter also got an attachment for her camera. Some sore of super duper flash thing, from hubby.

    For her birthday (Dec. 16th) he gave her four hour lessons with a pro photographer. She's in seventh heaven.

    She loves your photos and blog by the say. :)

    What books did you get?


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