
Monday, November 28, 2011

Window Dressing...

I'm doing some window dressing today. Getting the blog ready for the holidays. Please bear with me. I'm almost finished. Let me know if you like the result. (Or not.)


  1. You receive the PSB seal of approval for the banner! ;^) Suitably old-fashioned for the kind of Christmas I prefer.

  2. I LOVE the old-fashioned picture of Santa and his reindeer that you chose -- it fits your blog perfectly...

  3. Thanks, John and Becky. I love it too. It's from a painting by William Holbrook Beard. He's famous for mostly drawing bears and for painting animals in human clothing. Fun stuff.

  4. Love it, love it, love it! You are a woman of great taste, Yvette.


  5. Oh goodness, THANKS SO MUCH, mjoy. I'm beaming. :)

  6. Oooh beautiful. It's awfully cold here today, so this is perfect. I love the patina on it too. Gorgeous.

  7. Oh, of course, it's beautiful. You always make this blog a sight to behold, a respite in a hard day of blogging and more.

    I miss the Van Gogh reading woman, but I'll get accustomed to Mary Cassatt's painting.

    As long as I can find the movies and Nero Wolfe recommendations, I'll be fine and will adjust.

  8. Thanks, Picky. Soon as I found this painting a while back, I knew I wanted to do something with it at holiday time. :)

  9. Kathy: Oh, she'll probably be back when I do the Ten Best Books of 2011. I switched to the Cassatt because it was more colorful, in keeping with the seaaon.

  10. OOOooo! You always have the prettiest window dressing, no matter the season.
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  11. JNCL: Thank you. I really do appreciate the kind words.

  12. Your blog looks very festive, Yvette! I used to change my blog header for the holidays, but I have become either too busy or too lazy to do that anymore. Perhpas you have inspired me! :)

  13. Great makeover! The painting by William Holbrook Beard is truly beautiful. I also like the selection of book jackets, film posters, and vintage paintings in the sidebars—they remind me of books I haven’t read, movies I haven’t seen, and paintings I haven’t feasted my eyes on. Frankly, I didn’t know you could do so much with Blogger.

  14. In 'two words' - simply lovely!

    Greetings from the Périgord,

  15. Pat: I didn't do it last year because I simply didn't know how, besides I was afraid to tinker with the blog. But now I'm fearless. HA!

    Now I need to get around to decorating the house...My neighbors all have their lights up already. Jeez. :)

  16. Thanks, Neer and Karin and Skye! Very much appreciated. :)

    It was fun to do.

  17. Prashant: Thanks. I was surprised myself at how much I can do with blogger. (Even if my blog is still not operating at 100 percent.)

    Now that I'm feeling more comfortable with tweeking the colors and such, watch out world!

  18. I keep thinking how I can spruce up my blog but I'm afraid I'll wipe out what's already on. I think one can save one's existing template. Will check it out again.

  19. I know! I was afraid of the same thing, Prashant. But keep checking, you'll figure it out. Hey, if I can do it, you can do it.

  20. Really pretty header picture! I like it. :-)


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