
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vintage Mystery Challenge

It's early I know, but I wanted to make sure to share the news of Bev's on-going Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge which picks up again on Jan. 1st, 2012 and ends in December. Same as this year's Challenge. I more than met my 2011 Challenge expectations - an easy enough task since I love Vintage reading. Just showing off, I know.

But for next year, Bev's added Vintage Themes, something new to the mix to keep things lively.

So, if you love Vintage (and who doesn't?) don't forget to head over to Bev's blog, MY READER'S BLOCK (Vintage Headquarters) and sign up for next year. It's never too early.

Link for more info and to sign up: Bev's VINTAGE READING CHALLENGE.


  1. On vintage, how far back in Rex Stout's writing can be counted as vintage?

    I'm now annoyed at myself that I have no Wolfe/Goodwin repartee for the weekend.

    Well, I have several good books; go figure why one must have one of these as a back-up at all times. Never know what's going to happen: sink into the West 35th Street brownstone and overhear the doings.

  2. Anything before 1960 is vintage according to Bev. So that gives you plenty of books to choose from.

    I hope you're going to join in the Challenge. :)

  3. Yes, Kathy, come and join us!

    @Yvette: Yay for the post! Now you just have to figure out what theme(s) you're doing. Don't know if you've noticed, but I've signed myself up for three themes....Overachievers, that's us!

  4. There's no rush - right Bev? I mean, the Challenge doesn't officially begin until Jan. I need a bit of breathing room before I decide on Themes. :)

  5. I'm still winding up my global challenge, have one book from Africa to go, but thought of trying for the higher goal of 3 books from each continent and 3 historical in lieu of Antartica.

    So I have to figure this out. But I find I must have a back-up of the Wolfegang, not unlike a stash of chocolate in the freezer.

    I may have inadvertently hit some level of the Vintage challenge. I'll check.

  6. Kathy: This new Challenge doesn't begin until Jan. so there's plenty of time. No pressure. :)


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