
Friday, September 30, 2011

Okay, Bring On the Baseball Post Season!!

Tonight: The Playoffs - the path to the World Series begins. Haven't decided yet who I'll root for since my own team, the NY Mets, are not in it once again. 

I usually root for the underdog.


Note: painting by Cassius Coolidge (1834 - 1944)


  1. I can't wait. This is what we look forward to alllll year!

  2. Yup. It's going to be a good one.

  3. How about my local team, the Cardinals? They were eight and a half games out and came back to win a wild card spot on the last night of the regular season.

  4. Carol: Good for them! I didn't realize they'd made it. :)

  5. I have to root for the Yankees as they are a NY team!! I also love Derek Jeter :) It's raining now ... hope they can get game one in tonight!

  6. I can see the possibility of a Top Five Paintings by Cassius Coolidge. I wonder how well he was renumerated for all those scenes ...

  7. I snarl at the Yankees, Pat. Ha! But I do admit that the Post Season would not be as exciting with the Yankees absent. :)

  8. Mark: I love dog paintings! Can't help it. It's a minor defect. Ha!

    Cassius Coolidge's middle name was Marcellus. His mom must have been a history buff. (Or his dad.)

    I do wonder if he made money with all those dogs playing cards splashed about all over the place. :)

    I hope so.

  9. The hubby and I have never been big pro baseball people and have no fav teams. But we do start to really enjoy it when the playoffs begin. Strangely, despite not having grown up watching it, my daughter has developed a love of baseball; well, more specifically, the Yankees. I'm sorry--I don't know where we went wrong!

  10. Lisa: HA! You should see my tiny granddaughter wearing her pink Yankee cap. She is being indoctrinated!! :)

    Baseball is a good thing be interested growing up. Your daughter seems to have discovered it all by herself. :)


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