
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Favorite Illustrator: Roberto Innocenti

These eleven illustrations are from Innocenti's version of Pinochio.

Roberto Innocenti (1940 - ) is an Italian illustrator whose remarkable work is moody, minutely detailed, technically proficient and brilliantly imaginative. I never tire of looking at his paintings in my own Innocenti book, THE LAST RESORT.

This is a beautiful picture book authored by J. Patrick Lewis and illustrated by Innocenti, a book more for adults really, than children who may not understand the literary allusions to Emily Dickinson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dashiell Hammett and even Herman Melville, among others.

If you're not familiar with THE LAST RESORT, then take a look next time you're in a book store. It is a very special creation. I've never seen anything else quite like it. I've talked about this particular book before but as far as I'm concerned, I can't talk about it enough.

The following four illustrations are from THE LAST RESORT.


I think my next Innocenti purchase will be PINOCHIO.

To read more about Innocenti and his body of work, please go here.

I know Innocenti has done a version of THE NUTCRACKER - I'll be featuring it as we get closer to the holidays.

Roberto Innocenti


  1. I like all the wonderful details in Innocenti's illustrations! I will ahve to see if I can find the Last Resort on

  2. These are some of the most fabulous paintings/illustrations I've seen in recent years. They are an inspiration to all art lovers. Right now they're inspiring me to trot to the nearest art gallery (as I often do) and see a few art works. Incidentally, professional fine and commercial art runs in the family.

  3. Pat: I know you will love THE LAST RESORT. It is unique and the artwork is fabulous.

  4. Thanks, Prashant. Innocenti is such a brilliant artist.

    In my family as well. :)

  5. I haven't been aware of this great illustrator, so thanks for shining a light on him. It just goes to show that there are artisitc surprises and treats for adults in the children's section.

  6. You're welcome, Mark. The children's section is full of many surprises, it's true.

    Innocenti is an incredibly fine artist.

  7. When I reached the text, I was surprised to learn that the artist is a contemporary, not someone from the days of thick fairy tale volumes. "The Last Resort" looks and sounds as though it offers worlds I want to inhabit. The scene with the whale made me think of Chris Van Allsburg's "The Mysteries of Harris Burdick." Evocative illustrations, springboards for the imagination.

  8. You have such a wonderful site Yvette! I found you while looking up bits about Lucy, as I just went to an exhibit of hers in Hollywood.
    I'm so looking forward to exploring more of your fantastic blog!
    Art and old movies are in my blood...
    xo J~

  9. BTW...Michael Sowa's 'Amelie Peacock' is the wall, next to my of my favorite paintings of all time!
    xo J~

  10. Marylinn: I can practically guarantee you'll love THE LAST RESORT. If you do pick up a copy, let me know what you think. :)

  11. 24 Corners: Thank you for the kind words and thanks so much for dropping by. :)

    This is my own little corner of the world and I do try hard to make things interesting.

    I ADORE Michael Sowa's work. I did a post on him and his paintings a while back. If you like, you can link to it by pressing on either of the Sowa icons on my sideboard.

  12. Absolutely gorgeous illustrations! I've heard of 'The Last Resort' but never seen it!

    Thanks for the 'introduction' to yet another gem, Yvette!

  13. Beautiful illustrations. I must send this link or Innocenti's link to artist friends.

    A question: Where can I find that list of astounding books, one of which was about the history of archaelogy? I must write them down.

    Or should I just scroll back?

  14. Sue: You're welcome. I should say, welcome to the world of Roberto Innocenti. He is a an amazing artist. Glad to make the introduction. :)

  15. Kathy: You can find that list under TOP TEN TUESDAY's icon which is on the left side board. That icon takes you to all the Top Ten Lists then simply scroll down just a bit. :)

  16. Oooh I really love the second-to-last Pinocchio illustration. I'll have to keep an eye out for his books!

  17. Lauren: Yes, Innocenti is a very special artist/designer. Once you see his work, you never forget it. :)

  18. He's an amazing, and I mean amazing illustrator!

    Thank you for this post :) .

  19. You're welcome, Ana. Thanks for dropping by.

    Innocenti is one of my favorites. Yes, he is amazing. :)


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