
Friday, August 26, 2011


I love these sorts of group photos, always have. Nobody seems to do them anymore. At least not so they look this interesting. Don't know why. Aren't they fun? I have one such of a group of young women in 1930's bathing suits featuring my ex-mother-in-law. It's currently part of a collage that belongs to my daughter.

There's just something so charmingly naive about these vintage photographs. Plus you get an instant overview of fashions, styles and even attitudes, at the moment in time the photographer snapped the shot.

The photos featured today have been found by yours truly online. No photo credits at the moment. If one of these is your photo and you object to its inclusion in my post, please let me know and I'll remove it immediately.


  1. What are those trophies for I wonder? HA!

    I like the one of the soldiers reading the book. I can barely make out NEW ZEALAND in the title but can't read the last word. Wonder what the full title is and where was it taken. Looks like WW1 era.

    This reminds me of a book I read recently (it turned out to be a young adult novel but I didn't know that at the time) illustrated with bizarre old photos - very spooky and ambiguous ones, not joyful ones like these. MISS PEREGRINE'S SCHOOL FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN. Ever hear of it? It was imaginative but fairly plotless. It was mostly all incident with no real conflict and no resolution. Big bestseller, though.

  2. Yes, the soldiers are WWI era New Zealand unit. I love this photo. I've used it before on a post, but can't remember which one.

    I used to collect group photos like this framed. But don't have any left except a very wide horizontal group shot (done by special camera, I think) of a WWI soldiers unit.

    MISS PEREGRINE'S SCHOOL FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN sounds familiar. What a great title! I'll have to check around.

    P.S. I added the little color touches to the hats of the first photo.

  3. These would be excelent for a 'caption contest', Yvette! ;-)

    (BTW - am back up to speed, internet-wise, with shiny new laptop so I will be able to keep up much easier thanjust with my wee iPhone !)

  4. Each photo tells a hundred different stories. I'll be returning to these. Thanks.

  5. Another world. They look like everything is so simple. The reason there aren't alot of groups is the kids are on the computer.
    I know some kids that have Isolated themselves. Worried about this Irene thing, alot of scary news,, Stay safe. yvonne

  6. I agree, there's nothing so delightful as a non-criminal line-up! Thank you for this fun look-see!

  7. P.S. A spontaneous CONGA LINE does a body good, as well!

  8. Sue: Why don't you write some! Don't you love these pictures? :)

    Great that you're back with us online!

  9. Caftan Woman: I love them too. Yes, they each tell a different story. We should use them as prompts for writing some fan fiction. :)

  10. Yvonne: Thanks. You stay safe as well.

  11. Sparkle: Yes, these are so much fun.

    Conga Line coming right up. :)

  12. Love your pix, Sparkle. I'm getting in the conga mood for sure.

  13. I've always enjoyed 19th century group photographs of schoolchildren, or the ones from the early 1900s. So often the teacher isn't much older than the students. The clothing tends to be pretty rough, and one can weave one's own stories about the lives of those kids.

  14. Just charming. I have many like this in my parents' albums. They may have taken less photos but they were more interesting.

  15. Mark: I like those too. I have several around the house. Mostly the children look very stern even with their curls and ringlets.

  16. Patti: Oh yes, by far more interesting.

  17. What great pics! You're right, no one does these kinds of pics any more. We've all gone to more "natural" posing and lost some of the fun that these pictures had.

  18. Lisa: Don't you love these? They are just so much fun to wonder about.


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