
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Book Page: 25 Most Anticipated Fall Books + Yvette's List of Most Anticipated Books for Fall

Ha! Just joking. As if...!

Fall is two weeks away. I know, know, maybe not officially, but for me, September = Fall. Don't care how hot it is. And Fall (and Winter) = a whole new bunch of books hitting the shelves. What is a reader to do?

No, running screaming through the streets is not an option.

The Book Page website has a terrific new list just posted: 25 Most Anticipated Books For Fall. Here's their link. Check it out. I did. And to my horror, I found several books I will be wanting to read - and this isn't even counting other lists from other websites.

Books that look good to me from the Book Page list:

1) CATHERINE THE GREAT by Robert K. Massie (Not to mention that I will be wanting to read his last book, PETER THE GREAT.) I'm doomed!

2) 11/22/63 by Stephen King. I'm not normally a King fan though I did read and love his book, ON WRITING. But this new book sounds FABULOUS! A time traveler trying to stop the Kennedy assassination. Great idea.

3) RIN TIN TIN by Susan Orlean. I mean, really, who wouldn't want to know about this iconic dog?

4) THE DESTINY OF THE REPUBLIC by Candice Millard. All about the assassination of President Garfield. What I term the almost forgotten assassination.

5) LIFE ITSELF by Roger Ebert. The autobiography of the revered author and film critic.

6) REAMDE by Neal Stephenson. All I have to hear is that Stephenson has a new book and I'm there.

Yvette's List of Most Anticipated NEW Books for Fall and Winter:

1) THE AFFAIR by Lee Child. The next  adventure of Jack Reacher.

2) I AM HALF SICK OF SHADOWS by Alan Bradley. The next Flavia de Luce book.

3) THE PIRATE KING by Laurie R. King. The next Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes book.

4) GHOST HERO by S.J. Rozan. The next Bill Smith and Lydia Chin book.

5) THE DOG WHO KNEW TOO MUCH by Spencer Quinn. The next Chet and Bernie book.

6) A TRICK OF THE LIGHT by Louise Penny. The next Armand Gamache.

7) COLD VENGEANCE by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. The next Pendergast book.

8) ACCEPTABLE LOSS by Anne Perry. The next William Monk book.

9) A PARADISE FOR FOOLS by Nicholas Kilmer. The next Fred Clark art mystery.

10) WICKED AUTUMN by G.M. Malliet. The first in a new series set in an English village.

In addition, here's a brief list of books out within the past year or so that I am dying to read as well:


2) EMBASSY TOWN by China Mieville

3) NOW YOU SEE ME by S.J. Bolton

4) THE FIRST DETECTIVE by James Morton

5) BRANCH RICKEY by Jimmy Breslin

6) BOSSY PANTS by Tina Fey

7) EXIT THE ACTRESS by Priya Parmar



10) THE ALCHEMY OF CHANCE by Peter S. Brooks

11) DOMESTIC VIOLETS by Matthew Norman

12) MISERY BAY by Steven Hamilton

13) THE GREATER JOURNEY by David McCullough

14) THE TAINT OF MIDAS by Anne Zouroudi

15) THE LONG NIGHT William L. Shirer and the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by Steve Wick

Plus I have my eye on this coffee table stunner.
Get an idea why I'm so smitten with the idea of this book here.

So, what books are you most anticipating at this frenetic time of the year?


  1. WOW!! What a list!! and they ALL look exciting... can't wait to read them also....

  2. I've read Hamilton's _Misery Bay_--a good title for it. I enjoyed it, partly I suspect because I had taken a driving vacation through the UP of Michigan a few years ago, and much of the setting rang true. It's worth waiting for.

    I have Perry's _Acceptable Loss_ in my queue--it's second in line so I should be getting at it soon.

    The other one that looks very interesting is Mieville's _Embassy Town_. I've read several by him so far. I probably will get to everything he's written some day.

  3. also I CAN see you running thru the house screaming with Rocky right behind you !!! Reading "The city/ The city now by China Mieville... interesting!! Have a great day :) Judy

  4. Judy: Yes, this looks like a very good year for books, books and more books!!

    THE CITY AND THE CITY was one of my favorites of last year. LOVED that book.

  5. Fred: I know what you mean about Mieville's books. I've read two and plan to read many more. He's not my usual fare, but I love his work just the same. Even if sometimes I have trouble understanding where he's going. :)

    Hamilton's book is the first Alex McKnight in a long time. I'm really looking forward to it. No one can match Hamilton for his palpable sense of place.

  6. i am in berween books...for quite a while now. so thanks. lots of good suggestions here. always : )

  7. Demie: Well, if you find something on this list to lift you out of the reading doldrums, then my job here is done. :)

  8. I just need to slap my name on that list you just made! It's my perfect list. So much anxiety - so little time to read all of those great books. I'm serious, I'm having trouble breathing right now. There's just so much of this that I want to read.

  9. Belle: You are too much! Let's not both hyperventilate. I'll do that for both of us. Ha!

    Lots of good stuff coming down the road.

  10. I'm really wanting to read the Rin Tin Tin book and the Garfield book. They both sound wonderful.

  11. I'm terrified to go look at that list--I can already see a few from the ones you posted that I'm going to want to get my hands on. I really need publishers to take about a year hiatus to give me time to catch up! But wouldn't that be awful?

  12. It's amazing how quickly you can go from "nothing to read" to "too much to read".

    PS: Forwarding to you The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award. Hope you have a sweet tooth.

  13. Yes, those both look good. I will definitely be getting the Garfield assassination book to add to my own library. I'll research a bit about the book first, make sure it's well done and accurate.

    I take a while to read non-fiction, so the library is out. :)

    Probably the CATHERINE THE GREAT BOOK as well.


  14. Lisa! I'm terrified by the list and I WROTE IT! Ha!

    Every year I say this and every year it's true: IT'S GOING TO BE A GREAT READING YEAR! :)

  15. Caftan Woman: An award? Why thank you, kindly movie lady. You are too 'sweet'.

    But doesn't this list look especially good? Lots of great reading ahead.

    Now all I need is to read 24/7 and I should make a dent in everything. :)

  16. Oh, yes, I'm for 24/7 reading but coming up for air occasionally to eat and pet the dog and cat next door.

    Very good list of books; I want to read several, so they'll go on the TBR Mount Kilimanjaro.

    The other thing is I can read the book reviews here! (Ha!) Then decide if I should look for the book.

  17. Kathy: I'm hoping to be able to read all the ones taht interest me AND report on them here. If only I could do it by osmosis. Ha.

  18. Much of the fiction grabs me, but I'm trying to finish an informal global challenge (for myself), so have to veer off into the world for awhile. (But I'm still reading two about W. 35th St., the best to read late at night -- easygoing, no violence, gore, pleasant).

    The Erik Larson book looks good. That's about the Dobbs' family in Germany before WWII, I think.

    I may read part of that, as I hate to read about WWII and the awful destruction and anti-humanity. But I will try to read part of this one.

    I've always been interested in and dismayed about U.S. policy towards the Jewish people. There were quotas and few were let in who were fleeing or had to flee Europe. The State Department wasn't interested. Ships of Jewish people were turned away.

    It was a horror. But I'd like to read about U.S. foreign policy via Dobbs' experiences.

  19. If you loved Cryptonomicon, pick up Anathem, also by Neal Stephenson. Its another fabulous read, I couldn't put it down. I too can't wait for Reamde. That's #1 on my wish list for the fall.

  20. Kathy: The US has a lot to answser for for their policy towards Jews arriving on our shores, fleeing from Europe. Most were indeed turned away. Shameful.

    SHIP OF FOOLS is a book by, I think, Katherine Ann Porter which told the story of one such boat turned away.

    The Larsson book looks a good one.

  21. Seth: Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the tip. I will definitely take a look at ANATHEM.

  22. Your list is great too! Thanks for sharing ours. :)

  23. Trisha: You're quite welcome. It was a list I particularly liked because it covered a broad spectrum of books.


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