
Sunday, August 7, 2011

An award from a blogging friend...

Short story writer Sue H has sent me an award for my blog - I have no idea what it means - but it's sent with loving sentiments from blog to blog. I believe it began in Germany and look how far it's traveled.

So thanks for thinking of me, Sue and thanks so much for mentioning my blog on your page.

Rules of the award:

I'm to link back to the blog which gave me the award and happy to do so: I REFUSE TO GO QUIETLY is Sue's very enjoyable blog about writing, lifestyle, books and anything else that catches her fancy.

Now I'm supposed to pick five other blogs to send the award to. Okay, will do. The hardest part is picking just five. But, here they are:

1) Books, Belles & Beaux. Joanne loves reading and dishing historical fiction (and other assorted genres) on her beautiful blog.

2) Wordsmithonia is Ryan's inviting blog of book reviews and opinions. Ryan will gladly admit he  is a Mary Roberts Rinehart fanatic. (Recently converted by yours truly. I admit it.)

3) BookBelle  A terrific blog full of book reviews and book related topics, including the always intriguing Tuesday Top Ten list.

4) Classic Becky's Brain Food is a lively place to go to talk mostly about movies, film noir and even the occasional book or two. Not to mention, Becky's bee-phobia.

5) Tales of the Easily Distracted is Dorian's fun movie blog with tons of opinions pieces - mostly about classic films, film noir and any film starring Adrien Brody.

Don't forget to check out the above links and leave a comment or two if you're in the mood - and even if you're not. What the heck, do it anyway. It's all about blog love.


  1. Yvette, the Liebster Blog is a charming idea! I'm honored and excited to take part, but first, tell me: are we allowed to vote for YOUR blog, or would that be like stuffing the ballot box? :-) Let me know!

  2. Dorian: No, you can't 'vote' for me, sweetie. :)

    But thanks!

    Just mention me in the post and link back to my blog. It's all backing and forwarding in this blogging universe. :)

  3. You are just the cutie-est cutey for giving me this award! I am awed by your thoughtfulness. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  4. BookBelle: You're most welcome, kiddo. Well deserved. Have a great Sunday too!

  5. Yvette, I feel really honored that you put me in your 5 picks! Gosh that feelsl good! If possible, you would certainly have been one of mine, but since I can't have you, I'll put on my thinking cap and participate for sure! Thanks again, you artist,movie lover, book lover, you!...

  6. Becky: I'm pleased you're pleased. It was difficult to just pick five, but that's why we get paid the big bucks. HA!

    You're more than welcome. :)

  7. Congratulations Yvette, and to all you pass this award on to! Very well deserved!

  8. Hi Yvette! Just curling up on the sofa with my laptop (while watching another Lucy episode -- Hollywood hilarity). Found out I won this thoughtful award from you -- wow! What a lovely surprise and I thank you for your kindness. I love visiting your blog as I always learn something -- a beautiful artist, and old gem of a movie, or a fabulous mystery. Thanks so much!

  9. Congrats on your award! It always feels good to know you are appreciated by fellow bloggers.

    Thank you for passing it on to me. It put a smile on my face aftera very long, hectic day at work.

  10. Pat: Thanks. It's always nice to be appreciated. :)

  11. Joanne: You are so sweet. Thank you. I'm delighted that my blog is a place you like to visit. That's what I hoped for when I first began this adventure. :)

  12. Ryan: You're most welcome. And very deserving too. Don't work too hard, my friend. :)


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