
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

100 Followers! Wow!

Sometimes I amaze even myself. HA!

All I can say is THANK YOU! Hugs to all of you who have signed up, hung around and checked in with the blog and left comments and encouragement - all of it very much appreciated by yours truly.

It says a lot for your intrepidness and your willingness to give a new kid on the block a chance.

Oops, I just double-checked and realized one of the followers is ME! How this happened I don't know - I mean, how am I following myself? So officially,  I only have 99 followers. But what the heck, let's celebrate anyway. Conga line forms to the left!


  1. Well done - you 'blogger-centenarian!


  2. *cabooses the conga line* CONGRATULATIONS!

  3. 99? Then let me push you over. . . .

  4. Sue: Thanks! I can feel it in my dry old bones. Ha!

  5. Sparkle: Thanks so much! I can see us winding down the street now. Ha!

    One two three four, high kick!

  6. Muleboy: THANKS for sending us over the edge!! Hooray!

  7. This is one of "check-in" blogs - I check in every day to see what you've posted. Love the look and feel of this blog. It just makes me happy. Congratulations.

  8. Carol: Thank you so much, you're a dear. I can't tell you how happy your words make me. :)

  9. Congratulations, Yvette! Very well deserved. How can any bibliophile resist following you? You are so knowledgeable, and lots of fun!

  10. Pat: Thanks, m'dear. I never thought this would happen. I'm as surprised as anyone. :)

  11. Geez. I thought for sure you were well over 100 by now. What do I know? It's no mystery to me though. This is a blog that has HIT written all over it! Like Carol your blog really makes me feel good. I smile and laugh almost every day reading and gazing at the amazing illustrations. Now mine... I'll be lucky if I get 100 followers by 2015. HA!

  12. Congrats kiddo! You will surpass more triple digit milestones by the time you are done.

  13. Congrats. Here's to many years of happy blogging and loads of followers.

  14. Woo hoo! You go, girl! Not surprising, though, as your blog is informative and friendly -- the kind you want to check with your morning cup of coffee. Congrats! :)

  15. John: Thanks, kiddo. You've hung around, I don't know why, but thanks!

    Glad you liked what you've found here. All I can say is, I work very hard to make things diverting. :)

    Oh stop, your blog is wonderful.
    I check in every day even if I don't leave a comment. You'll have a hundred in no time. Don't forget it took me a whole year. :)

  16. Ryan: Thank you! You are so sweet. I'm the most surprised person on earth. Who knew blogging was this much fun? I sure didn't. Ha!

  17. Joanne: Thanks so much! Morning coffee and Yvette. No, it's too much responsibility. Ha!

  18. neer: Thanks! You were there practically at the beginning. :)


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