
Monday, July 18, 2011

Today is my BLOG-O-VERSARY! Exactly One Year Ago...

...I timidly ventured forth on this blogging adventure. Me. Techno-phobic me. I thought I'd just try it for awhile and really, what's the worse that could happen? I'd hate it, you'd hate it and that would be that. But wonder of wonders, I didn't hate it and you didn't seem to and here we are one year later. Believe me when I tell you that no one is more surprised than yours truly.

Truth to tell, it's been lots of hard but enjoyable work dosed occasionally with bouts of self-doubt and second-guessing. But on the whole I'd say, yeah, it's been a great deal of fun. My criteria is: the moment it stops being fun, I stop. So far, so good.

I can hardly believe all the people I've 'met' here and on the other blogs I frequent. Bloggers from around the world have chimed in now and then and left the most positive comments. Who knew there were this many people who love books and movies and art as much as I do AND are willing to chat about it with a complete stranger? Except I don't feel as if we're strangers anymore. This all works because of you, my friends.

Well, to commemorate this Official Super-Duper Blog-O-Versary I knew I had to do something ultra-special. So, there's a Give-A-Way coming up. This will be my first - my way of thanking those of you (and you know who you are!) who've hung in there with me and stopped by to say hello and leave a comment or two over this past year.

As you may know I'm a watercolor artist (it's the way I earned my living for over 30 years working mostly on childrens' projects) - although since going mano-a-mano with breast cancer a couple of years ago, I've been more or less taking it slow and easy. Haven't done much work at all lately. My energy level is currently down the tubes, so any work takes forever. But I knew I wanted to do something special to share my Blog-O-Versary with you, and here we are.

Long story short: I'm working on a bright and summery watercolor, having it scanned first by my long suffering agent (so I can include it in my portfolio), then I'll post a pix of it here within the next week or so. This post is by way of advance notice.

My Give-A-Way is this:

Anyone who leaves a comment either today or when the pix of the painting is posted will be eligible to win the actual matted 8" x 10" watercolor.

What will happen is this: I'll collect any names from today's post and the up-coming one (you are welcome to post comments on both posts if you like) and write them on bits of paper, then - you guessed it - I'll put them in a hat, close my eyes and pick one. You'll have to trust me on this. I don't do technical mumbo-jumbo so having the name picked by that tricky little thing I've seen on other blogs is not anything I want to tackle. But I'll be scrupulously fair. And who knows maybe no one will want it and I'll get to keep it for myself. (No, my name won't be entered into the mix. I'm the default winner. HA!)

I will pick the winner on Friday, August 5th and announce it here. Then the winner will have to email me an address.

I know, I know, this is kind of a pig in a poke kind of thing at the moment. ( I haven't replaced my camera yet.) But hey, it's free. And I wanted to make sure and note the actual day when I first began blogging and that day happens to have been July 18th, 2010. My picture's not quite finished yet but I'm plugging right along. Take a chance. I guarantee you'll like the thing once you see it probably towards the end of next week. If you want to see the sort of work I do look at the little dancing mole inside the wreath on my left hand side bar. Where it says: I'm A Happy Blogger. Truer words were never spoken by the way.

Please Note: Unfortunately (and I truly am sorry about this), I can only offer this to USA residents (excluding Hawaii and Alaska). The expense to send something like this overseas is prohibitive.

This painting of 'me' and my elderly dog Beemer who passed away a few years ago, is what I use as my profile pix. Just thought I'd throw it in here for those of you who hadn't noticed it and are not familiar with my work. You didn't know I had butterfly wings - did you?

It just occurred to me to add this: If some of you would rather not be included in the drawing due to privacy reasons, please email me and I won't include your name in the final drawing.
My email address is included in my profile badge on the right side bar.


  1. Happy blog-o-versary! You've already had a positive impact on me -- I've read the first two Nero Wolfe novels and am working on the third. For no other reason than that you touted Rex Stout.

    That's pretty much what it's all about, you know?

  2. Dang - that's me out, then! :-(

    (but maybe you could let us overseas contributors have the pic as a badge for our blogs?)

    Happy Blogaversary, anyway, Yvette!

    Here's to the coming year of success on what I consider to be the most beautifully illustrated blog I've ever come across!


  3. Congratulations on your blog-0-versary.

    It is a fantastic blog filled with terrific (and hilarious) book and movie reviews, beautiful artwork (wow, do I enjoy the paintings posted, especially by women artists previously unknown to me), poems, quotes and lots of good conversation.

    And a result is that my TBR list became a mountain, and I been introduced or reintroduced to so many good books.

    Celebrate your one-year of blogging.

    And a wish for lots of good health and energy. And also hope that your virtual summer in Venice is a great one.

  4. M.M. Thank you. Yes, I agree. I've turned you onto Rex Stout. My work here is done. Ha! So glad you're enjoying his books.

    This comment automatically enters you in the Giveaway contest, M.M. if you're in the USA. (Which I think you are.)

  5. Sue: Thanks! Let me think about it. I do want to include everyone as best I can. :)

  6. Kathy: Thanks a million! It's been a wonderful year. I'm so glad you're 'getting' what I'm doing with the blog. :)

    Your comment automatically enters you in the Giveaway contest, Kathy.

  7. Happy blogoversary! I'm so glad I met you through Ryan's blog. I love your blog...books and art...what could be better?! You are very talented! I would love to win your artwork. =O) Again, happy one year! Here' to many more years of blogging in your future.

  8. Congratulations on blogging for a year!! It's an interesting ride isn't it?

    Best of luck on the next year:)

  9. Every so often the nightly news will feature a segment on the horrors of the internet, and I shake my head and say "not where I hang out!" I meet bright, artistic people who enjoy sharing.

    Congratulations, and I hope blogging remains fun for a long time.

  10. Michelle: Thanks for dropping by and for all the good wishes. Much appreciated.

    You are entered in the contest. :)

  11. JT: Thank you! Yes, it's been all that - interesting - and more.

    You are entered in the contest. :)

  12. Caftan Woman: Me too! Book people, movie people and artists are usually a pretty great bunch. Our blogs prove it.

    You're entered in the contest, C.W. :)

  13. I'm relatively new to your blog having recently added it to my Google list under book blogs.

    I definitely want to be in on the drawing!

  14. jenclair: Newbies are always welcome. Thanks for dropping by.

    You are entered in the drawing. :)

  15. I love your blog -- the look, the content, and the sublime intelligence you dole away for free. Happy anniversary, and congratulations on a year that has already been a gift to the rest of us.

  16. Oh how fun - blogiversarys are awesome. Today is my wedding anniversary too!

  17. Couldn't have done it without you, Skye. As you well know. :)

  18. Jacqueline: You are SO sweet. Thank you, m'dear. It's been very much fun.

    You are entered in the drawing. :)

  19. Sheila: Oh, my goodness. Then Happy Anniversary to you too. What a great day. :)

    If you're in the USA, you're in the drawing.

  20. Congratulations, Yvette. Your blog gets a daily visit from me. Like some of your other readers, you've exposed me to artists and artwork I have never heard of or seen before. Throw in your reviews of some classic mysteries and great movies, and you can count on my faithful readership.
    Looking forward to next year's anniversary.

  21. Carol: Thanks so much. I'm glad you like what I'm doing here. I'm looking forward to another year as well. :)

    You've been entered in the drawing. (If you're in the USA.)

  22. I so desperately want to win your art! I had no idea you were a C survivor! I'm so happy to know that. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  23. BookBelle: Thank you. Really. All good thoughts are much appreciated around here. :)

    You're entered in the drawing. :)

  24. Happy Blogoversary!!! I'm so glad you started it. It's been great getting to know you and following your blog.

    I would absolutely LOVE to win a watercolor by you!

  25. Happy blog-o-versary! Wonderful list of films in your 'festival.' I re-watched SILVERADO this afternoon. I was happy to see DIVA made your list, but happiest of all to see the Robert Donat version of THE 39 Steps.

  26. Bev: Thank you! We have had some fun this year - haven't we? I've loved participating in the Vintage Challenge over at your blog.

    And thanks to you I got to read the first Peter Wimsey book which, for some unknown reason, I don't think I'd ever read before. :)

    You are entered in the drawing.

  27. Naomi: Thanks! Now I know you're a real movie maven if you recognized DIVA!

    I love SILVERADO - great western.

    THE 39 STEPS is so classic. I adore Robert Donat.

    Thanks for dropping by.

    You're entered in the drawing. (If you live in the USA.)

  28. Happy Blogoversary! I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you through blogging. I just wish we could share a congrats drink in person. I look forward to many more years of both you and your wonderful blog.

    And of course I would love any painting you do.

  29. Ryan: Thanks, kiddo. Same back at you. We can go ahead and have a virtual drink. Campari and soda for me. :)

    I has been a fun year and great getting to know you, too.

    You are entered in the drawing. :)

  30. Happy blogoversary. Don't count me in as I am overseas but I do know the cost of postage is prohibitive!

  31. My gosh, has it been a year already!?
    Yvette, so glad you decided to do this. I LOVE dropping in here. Thank you!!


  32. Congrats. Your blog is truly addictive. I have to visit it once (if not more) everyday. Looking forward to many more years of fun.

    Well the watercolour is not for me but would like to see it. Waiting for that post.

  33. Congratulations on your anniversary, Yvette. It is one of the most attractive blogs that I know, a feast for the eyes and mind. How you manage to read as many books as you do is truly impressive.

  34. I just want to add my congratulations and tell you again how much I enjoy your blog. It's interesting to look at as well as to read.

  35. Mystica: Thanks so much! I wish I could include all of us in the whole world, but as you say, the cost...!!! But thanks for continuing to drop by and leave comments. :)

  36. mjoy: Can you believe it? A whole year has flown by. :)

    Thanks to you, mjoy.

    If you're back in the continental USA, I'll include you in the drawing. Just let me know.

  37. neer: You've been dropping in here for quite a while now. I truly do appreciate it. :)

    I hope to be blogging for many more years to come - I've still got lots of reading and lots of movie-watching to do.

  38. Robin: I'm thrilled with all this praise! Why, it's quite going to my head. Ha!

    All kidding aside, Robin, thank you for continuing to read my blog and for your kindness.

    I'll enter you in the drawing. :)

  39. Joan: Thanks a million. I really do appreciate every kind word sent my way.

    I'm still a bit flabbergasted by this whole blogging world. What a very positive experience.

    I'll enter your name in the drawing too. :)

    If you're in the USA.

  40. This comment automatically enters you in the Giveaway contest, M.M. if you're in the USA. (Which I think you are.)

    Well, if Maryland counts as part of the US. I sometimes wonder ...

  41. Happy Blog-o-Versary, Yvette! I am so happy you commented on my blog awhile ago so that I could find yours! I really enjoy reading your book and movie reviews and seeing all of the interesting paintings you intorduce us to on Sundays.
    I'd love a chance to win one of your original watercolors but I feel as if I shouldn't enter as you already gave me permission to print out one of your works for my grandson, so I'll let you decide if I qualify to enter. :)

    I'm looking forward to many more years of "In So Many Words"!

  42. Hi Yvette - Congratulations on your blogoversary! I know that you have discovered, as I did, that blogging is as much about building a community as it is about wonderful self-expression. I appreciate your reading suggestions and many reviews — a great calling of yours. Best wishes to you for the coming year, and now I'm going to eat a piece of chocolate in your honor.

  43. Pat: Thanks! I can hardly believe a year has flown by. It was a happy day for me when I discovered your blog. That Brooklyn Bridge one is a knock-out!

    Of course you're entered. :)

  44. Mark: Thank you so much! Yes, the blogging community is a great one. I have been made to feel so welcome.

    Hey, have an extra piece of chocolate for me! ;)

    You're entered in the drawing as well, Mark.

  45. Great list!

    If I were giving ideas to teen-agers on reading fiction, I would add:
    The Grapes of Wrath
    Any book by Toni Morrison, perhaps Beloved
    A book by Julia Alvarez and/or Esmeraldo Santiago
    The Good Earth

    I know there are a lot of contemporary books for young folks with good, solid issues, but I can't think of any right now.

  46. Yes, I'm in the US. In fact, if you're in New Jersey, which I think you are, I'm a neighbor in Philadelphia!

  47. Kathy: Thanks! I did the best I could with this Top Ten list. It was a tough one.

    I'd go along with your suggestions too.

    Really, it all depends on the ages of the teens and their reading levels.

  48. joan.kyler: Howdy neighbor! :)

  49. Stick my name in that hat, Yvette! Oh how I'd love to be the owner of a genuine Banek. It would be proudly displayed in aprominent place in this book crammed condo. No doubt it would be the topic of much conversation as well. just your doodle of a dog on the envelope you sent that bookmark in stirred up some intersting talk in this house. HA!

    Congrats, my wondrous artist friend, on being one year old! I look forward to my own blogolicious year-old celebration in January.

  50. John: I'd forgotten about that doodle. I'm not naturally a doodler. But I couldn't just send a blank envelope. :)

    Thank you for the kind words, John. They are truly appreciated.

    I look forward to celebrating with you in January. Who knew blogging could be this much fun?

    You are definitely entered in the drawing. :)

  51. Oh, I know I'm late, but please enter my name into the drawing. I only discovered your blog a couple of months ago, courtesy Patti Abbott's Pattinase blog, and I love the content, the color, the whole approach of it. And I have a blank wall in my house that would be perfect for a beautiful watercolor.

  52. Deb: You're not late at all. The drawing is Aug. 5th and I still have one more post to do with a photo of the artwork. :)

    Thanks for discovering my blog.

    You're entered in the drawing.

  53. Hi Yvette, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! One year and still writing!! Love your work and can't wait to see your water color pix!! I go to your blog to read about the new books and authors then go to the library and see how many I can read before the next time I come to your blog.. Again Congratulations on the blog and also for being the BEST artist I know and please put my name in the hat!!! :) judy

  54. I'm probably the only artist you know - HA! But thanks, Judy. Much appreciated.

    You are in the drawing. :)


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