
Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Fourth of July Weekend!

Make it a good and safe one.

I was asked to post my pasta salad recipe from last year, so here it is.

Reading While Eating Pasta Salad.

Flowers and flag on the front porch.


  1. Happy 4th, and I'm going to try the pasta salad.

  2. Thanks, Ryan. I hope you'll enjoy it.

    It's a good salad. Invented by yours truly. I'm making it today except that I forgot to buy the scallions and sun dried tomatoes so I'll have to re-invent as I go along. Don't feel like going back to the store. :)

  3. Sounds delicious! Just might have to include it in tomorrow's festivities!

  4. Lisa: It IS mighty delicious, if I do say so myself. :)

    Have a great holiday!


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