
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blog-O-Versary GIVE-AWAY - Update.

July 18th was my one year Blog-O-Versary and as my thanks to you for showing up here and helping make this blog the most fun I've had in ages, I'm having a Give-Away. Ta-Da!

As I explained in a previous post last week - see link here - anyone who left a comment then (comments are closed for that post) AND/OR wants to leave one for this post, will be entered in the drawing to win the original matted watercolor featured here. I painted this piece purposely for the Give-Away, so it's not just something I had lying around.

You do not have to have left a comment last week to be eligible to win. A comment on this current post will make you eligible even you DID NOT comment last time. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. Reason for two posts is this: I was running late and didn't finish the painting and get it photographed until AFTER July 18th which was the date of my actual Blog-O-Versary.

I'm fond of fireflies and that was the starting point for my thinking. The color of the girl's hair came from my granddaughter. The teddy bear is one I had when I was a kid. I'm pleased with the way the piece turned out and I hope the winner will enjoy this for years to come.

Those of you immune to this sort of whimsy, hang the painting in a kid's room. Though, personally, I could see this in a kitchen or, for that matter, nearby a work station. It's a cheery thing.

If you did leave a comment last week and want to do so this week, that's fine. Your name will be counted twice if you do. If you didn't leave a comment last week but want to be counted twice anyway, then leave TWO comments on this post. Ha! I'm easy. I will not be counting Twitter comments or Facebook because I don't want to drive myself too crazy.


I have to confine this Give-Away to mainland USA because of overseas postage rates and I am really sorry about that. I wish I could include the rest of the world.

The drawing will be held on or around noon on Friday, August 5th and I'll post the winner here on the blog. That person will then email me a street address and voila!. My daughter has assured me that is easy enough to use. I'll give it a try. But if I can't make heads or tails of it, I'll use the old tried and true method of simply putting every one's name into a bowl or hat, close my eyes and pick.

This is my first (hopefully not my last) Give-Away, so please cut me some slack. Ha!


  1. I forget -- does Maryland count as part of the mainland USA? Didn't I use that joke last time?

    I'm pretty sure I entered the sweepstakes before but just to be safe, count this as entering again (I'm having trouble reading instructions this week, as I noted in a comment to today's post over on the Monkey).

  2. You'll be entered twice, M.M. That's okay by me. :)

    Yes, Maryland is considered part of the USA, at least in my universe.

  3. Sorry I didn't leave a comment in the last post, but that's okay -- just dropping by to wish you a happy blog-o-versary and say that's a very thoughtful (and adorable) original painting for your winner.

  4. LOVE IT!!! Knew it would be great!!! love the fireflies!! Judy

  5. Joanne: Thanks for the good wishes. :)

    I'll enter your name in the drawing.

  6. Judy: Thanks, kiddo! I knew you'e like it.

    I'll enter your name in the drawing again.

  7. Count me in! I love your art. I will put it in my bedroom. It is perfect for there!

  8. I would love to be counted in again. I'm already in love with it since I love firflies andt he teddy bear is adorable.

  9. You're in as well, Ryan. Again. :)

  10. You know, Yvette, I worry about myself, I really do. I knew you were an art lover, but how on earth did I miss that you are an artist? I guess I came in on your blog just 3 or 4 months ago, and must not have noticed. Or, I'm just a moron.

    I want that painting...I mean, I really want it. I know you want to be fair, so picking slips of paper out of a hat is a good way to do it. I would just ask that when you write my name on a slip, smear a little glue on it. Then when you make the pick, mine wil stick to your finger. (See, I'm not a total moron!)

  11. ClassicBecky: You are too funny! You are most definitely NOT A MORON! You're just getting old. HAHA!!! Is that worse?

    Yes, m'dear, you are entered in the drawing. :)

  12. It's a wonderful watercolor, Yvette! There is such wonderful detail in it!

    I've used the website and it works very easily. Someone is going to be very lucky on August 5th!

  13. Pat, VERY lucky! There used to be a song, I can't remember anything else of it, but it ended with:
    "Let it be me, Let it be ME, Let it be M-E-E-E-E!

  14. Pat: Thanks so much, I'm thrilled that you and Becky and everyone else seems to like it. :)

  15. Becky: Singing will get you nowhere. HA!!


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