
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday: Quote for the Day

Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.

Arthur Ashe


  1. thank you ( and Arthur Ashe ) -
    written on my notebook : )

  2. Isn't this a great quote? I think it's my new favorite.

  3. That is a very good quote for each day. Thanks to Arthur Ashe.

    It reminds me of a quote a friend always uses (which I said to a bank staff member the other day), a simple, but realistic maxim.

    "We do our best." That kind of sums it up.

  4. Love it! I think I shall have to 'steal' that! I fancy doing something creative with it, to hang on the wall of my new 'craft' room! (aka known as "son's former bedroom") ;-)

  5. Kathy: I agree. Our best is ALL we can or should do. :)

  6. Sue: I feel the same way about it.
    I'm going to do a drawing around it and post it, I think.

    I picked up the saying from the current issue of WHERE WOMEN CREATE where they include the favorite saying of each of the women crafters and artists.


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