
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Websites; Organizations, etc.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme run by the gals at THE BROKE AND THE BOOKISH. Each week there's a new top ten topic for us to elaborate on. This week it's Top Ten Bookish Websites; Organizations, etc.

Don't forget to check out the other participating bloggers at the above link.

Here's my list:

1) Stop, You're Killing Me!

The best and quickest way to see what new mystery and/or thriller books are coming down the pike, month by month. A no-frills site I use all the time to get an idea when my favorite writers' new books will hit the stores or library. It's great for planning ahead and, incidentally, for making Christmas lists. It's also occasionally filled with a surprise or two. As in: "I didn't know this author had another book out this year!"

2) FantsticFiction.Com

The one and only most convenient spot to get a comprehensive list of any and all mystery/thriller/sci-fi writers book lists AND short author bios. This is my 'go to' when I want to know a book title or how many books a certain author wrote or WHAT a certain author wrote. I could not write my blog without this site.

3) Galleycat

My favorite publishing world news and book-related gossip site. A great place too to read about new and/or old author wheeling and dealing.

 4) The Book Bench

The Book Blog of The New Yorker Magazine. You never know what's going to turn up on these pages. That's part of the fun. I'm a big fan of The New Yorker anyway, but I especially love them when the topic is books.

5)  Murder, Mystery and Mayhem: A Resource for Readers

A great place to find a general round-up of what's newly happening in mystery/thriller-ville. There are reviews and lists and heads-up postings on anything mystery/thriller-related. I can never get enough lists, as most of you already know.


Audible is the best place in the world to get hooked up with audible books. They have a good intro package. And even at the regular monthly price, you're still saving a heck of a lot of money considering what audible books coast in the marketplace. Only the library is cheaper, but that's more hit or miss. And Audible has a lot of esoteric titles you might not find elsewhere. Plus it's so much easier to just click a button and within seconds the book shows up in your Audible folder for you to listen to any time.

7) In Reference To Murder

I check in every day just to make sure I'm not missing anything. B.V. Lawson's blog has the latest in upcoming book deals, book conferences, TV, movies, casting decisions, publishing bits and pieces and anything else related to mystery and thriller books, including reviews.

8)  The Browser - Five Books Section

Experts in all kinds of fields pick their Best Five Books on a particular specialty. i.e. politicians on political books, scientists on science books, historians on history books, playwrights on plays, that sort of thing. It's fun and enlightening (and often eye-opening) to check through the archive pages when you have some time. There are also interviews, essays and commentary. A goldmine of information.

9) Publishers Weekly

Besides galleycat, the most comprehensive industry news and gossip re: books and publishing. Reviews as well and just general, in-the-know booky stuff.

10) NPR Book Page

Assorted book news, reviews and commentary. A page you can spend an inordinate amount of time in and on. As with most of these links. They are all addictive.

Honorable Mentions:

Good Reads.
At which I don't spend very much time, but I still recognize that it's a handy place to keep track of what you read. I'm not very familiar with all its other gadgets.

Sussex County Library System
My local library without which I would be lost. But I'm sure every town has its own special library site. This one happens to be mine.

Better World Books
I like that part of the purchase price goes to worthy causes. I like the free shipping with no minimum. I like that they have used books as well as new.


  1. Very good list. I always enjoy visiting your site.

  2. Thanks Anne. This was a very interesting subject.

  3. Oh, Holy Cows! I will never break free from my computer now!

  4. Thank you for a very useful list. I am also afraid they will be addictive.

  5. Oh, gosh, more websites for me to check constantly. So many of these look good. I'm going to have to join a 12-step program for blogaholics.

    Congratulations for the feature at Kittling Books.

    And the way your house is organized is awesome. Lots of comfortable reading areas with Rocky guarding the fort.

  6. What a great list! Thanks for sharing; I'll be back to check the links out.

    Arrived via Kittling books where I saw your great space on Scene of the Blog.

  7. jenclair: Thanks for dropping by! I always have the welcome mat out. :)

  8. BookBelle: Oh you'll make the time. We ALL have to. It's a neverending circus around here. :)

  9. Bill: It's a plot to keep us all glued to our computers! :)

  10. Kathy: We're all turning into blog-aholics, I'm afraid. It's the chance we have to take. HA!

    Thanks for the kind words.

  11. I'm glad to see Fantastic Fiction getting its due. Thanks for giving me some new sites to check out - I'm particularly thrilled by Murder, Mystery & Mayhem...also like Stop, You're Killing Me.

    Thanks again.

  12. Debbie: I LOVE Fantastic Fiction! I'm glad you were able to find some new sites to peruse. :)

    It's never-ending.


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