
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Salon: This and That...

This has been the worse year for allergies since time immemorial - at least for me. Yegads, but it's awful. I thought I was used to it - been allergic to everything for years - but jeez, what a pain in the pututz. I was told years ago that as I got older, my allergies would run their course. They were wrong.

Okay, enough complaining. (Hey, if I can't complain among friends - where CAN I complain?)

I know exactly how this poor little sneezing dog, Biscuit, feels. We're two of a kind.


On a lighter note - and a few days late - I want to recommend the May issue of BON APPETIT - yes, a real paper and ink (well, maybe not ink anymore, but you know what I mean) magazine. The Italy Issue is full of delicious sounding and looking recipes - mostly simple as can be. Definitely the kind of thing that will make you feel as if you're vacationing in Italy even when you're not. This summer I plan on spending some time reading Donna Leon's Commissario Brunetti mysteries - I've already lined up a bunch at the library - so when I saw The Italy Issue (belatedly May) still lingering at the supermarket checkout rack - I snatched it up.

 One of my favorite articles - the  section on  'How To Drink Like An Italian." FUN! I am definitely going to try a Cocchi on the rocks one of these days. Cocchi: ... an Italian wine-based aperitif - flavored with gentian, cinchona bark, orange peel, and herbs.....light, bright and refreshing. Serve it on the rocks with an orange twist, or add some fizzy water to make a crowd-pleasing  highball. Sounds good to me.

Liked The Italy Issue so much I intantly subscribed to the magazine - special deal: 10 bucks for 12 issues. Can't go wrong with that. 

Anyway, I plan on some real Italian reading and feasting in the coming weeks. Allergies be damned!


 I've got 19 books lined up at the library. Too much?
 Nah. Too much is never enough when it comes to books and, of course, shoes.


  1. I truly sympathize. Last night I went out for snacks (nothing will ever stop my sweet tooth, no hurricane, tornado), and couldn't breathe outside, between the heat and the humidity and the allergens which were everywhere.

    Stayed home in a/c all day and night reading. However, allergies do forces one inside where reading is exactly the right thing.

  2. is where to find Brunetti's cookbook, filled with great recipes and great paintings of Venice.

  3. Ugh. I feel your pain. I've been sick more often this year than ever. Hope you feel better soon! Just rest as much as possible.

    And enjoy the Italian reading and feasting. I'll enjoy the Italian drinking. :)

  4. Kathy: Thanks for the link to the Brunetti cookbook. I have no choice but venture forth - gotta walk the Rocky boy. But boy, I'm cutting those walks short lately.

  5. picky girl: Thanks. I think all allergy sufferers are really feeling it this year. Just awful.

    Time for an Italian aperitif. HA!

  6. Allergies since the beginning of March. Mine are mostly in my eyes. Worst year ever.

  7. Also, there are NEVER too many books! 19 on hold at the library -- great! Can read whichever you're in the mood for; a wide selection helps with that.

    We're only allowed 15 holds of books and dvds and my account is always filled with reserve requests.

    And now, Diva, The Lock Artist and Fifth Witness by Michael Connelly are waiting for me. Will I be productive this week or read? Reading is pulling me.

  8. You do know the Law of Books on Hold, don't you? Bev mentioned it earlier this week. The law is that they will all arrive at the same time. Always happens to me.

    By the way, do use a Neti pot? I was sceptical at first (and of course the whole concept of pouring a little pot of water through your nose seems bizarre), but it really has helped the allergy situation.

  9. Patti: Yeah, me too. My eyes, my eyes!! (From FRIENDS) GAK!

  10. Kathy: I think it's about 19. They suddenly cut me off at the knees or I would have happily kept on reserving. Ha!

  11. What's a neti pot? I use Benadryl/Sudafed and eyedrops.

    Normally it doesn't hit my eyes this much. This year has been the worst.

  12. You can buy a neti pot at the drugstore. It's basically a little blue plastic teapot. You use distilled water and mix in packets of saline wash (sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride), turn your face sideways and pour through one nostril. It sounds utterly strange, but it flushes the sinuses and I've found it really effective in reducing allergy symptons. There's also a version where you squirt the stuff into your nose, but I find that one too shocking.


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