
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting

 The Blue Veil by American Impressionist Edmund Tarbell (1862 - 1938)

This quietly reflective painting has the aura of a book I'm currently reading: THE WOMAN IN WHITE by Wilkie Collins. It evokes the very same mood.. I love the use of that deep, almost lavender blue, against the creams and white, anchored by that splash of green on the hat. The darkish red of her up-swept hair beneath the wind blown veil.. There seems to be something of the fading light of dusk about the figure. A wonderful, evocative painting.

To read an overview of painter Edmund Tarbell and his work, please go here.


  1. I love the movement of the's hard to take my eye of anything else. The simpleness of the background is the perfect frame for her.

  2. Yes. Agreed. You can almost feel a breeze blowing through the gauzy fabric. A warm breeze, I think. An unsettling afternoon warm breeze.

  3. Lovely veil and colors. Really calls attention to the painting. Hmmm, I must look up this artist.

  4. Kathy: I love Tarbell's work. I must thank Nan over at Letters From A Hill Farm blog for introducing him to me a while back. :)


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