
Friday, June 17, 2011

Radio Times: Wimsey on BBC Radio

For those of you who love Dorothy L. Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey stories and/or other assorted mysteries and dramas: did you know you could listen to re-enactments on BBC Radio on a regular basis? Well, I didn't.

But I do now, thanks to fellow blogger and brilliant artist/photographer Carol Gillott who e-mailed me the info and the link. Here's the program schedule page - from there you should be able to give it a go. I've already listened to some Wimsey played by - are you ready? - Ian Carmichael. Yes.

Link to Lord Peter Wimsey.

I see by the schedule that they're also doing Helen MacInnes' classic work ABOVE SUSPICION. If I can figure out how to listen to it, I'm there This is a terrific book AND it was also turned into one of my favorite movies starring Fred MacMurray, Joan Crawford and Basil Rathbone.

I need to spend a little time familiarizing myself with how to go about all this, rather than just pressing a button and hoping for the best. Ha!

Thanks again to Carol Gillott whose absolutely gorgeous blog, PARIS BREAKFASTS, has been one of my staples since the moment I first discovered the world of blogs and has been on my right hand sideboard list since the moment I began blogging almost a year ago.

Watercolors copyright by Carol Gillott.
Check out her etsy shop.


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that I didn't know that you hadn't "met" BBC iPlayer. Here is the more general link (not just for 4-xtra)

    You can choose categories here as well, and it will grab drama or comedy from all the BBC radio stations. They frequently have various Agatha Christie mysteries as well. Good stuff.

  2. Well, that's okay, Birdie. I know now and that's the important thing. :)

    Thanks for 'general' link.

    I think this link will turn into a valuable resource for me.


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