
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mailbox Loot!

Guess what just arrived in the mail! A birthday prezzie from my friend Janine! Woo-Hoo! Check it out.: Brunetti's Cookbook with recipes by Roberta Pianaro and Culinary Stories by Donna Leon.

(Link to more about the book and a list of some of the recipes here.)

Well, what can I say? Combined with the bunch of Brunetti mystery books home from the library and my new found thirst for Campari and soda - Obviously I am currently travelling in Italy in all but the physcial sense. HA!

Janine:  "Sono felice, la ringrazio molto!"


  1. I'm so freaking jealous right now, I'm not even sure I could ever express how much. Flash freezes some of what you make and send it to me.

  2. Yeah, I LOVE Italian food too! Lots of good recipes in here. YUM!

    There are also brief excerpts from the different Commissario Brunetti books in which food is featured. Wonderful accompaniments to the recipes.

    A totally fun, foody book!

  3. I've only read one Brunetti book and already I want that cookbook. And what a stunning cover!

  4. I know! It's gorgeous. :) Aren't birthdays grand?

  5. I'm so glad you received the Brunetti cookbook. No one cooks like Paola Brunetti -- except maybe most of Italy!

    Every time I read one of Donna Leon's books, I'm cursing that there is not an Italian cafe nearby for expresso and sfoglatella (like Italian Danishes).

    I think I had mentioned this cookbook to you and sent in the link for it.

    You will definitely be in Venice all summer between the books and the cooking, Campari and wine.

    P.S. Are there photos of Venice in the book?

  6. Oooh I want some of those recipes!

  7. Please post from the book something!

  8. it would be nice to see inside the book later! cook books with stories in them are very enjoyable : ) Aphrodite by Isabel Allende is a very good one
    ( although is mostly stories in it!)

  9. Kathy:
    There are no photos. The inside of the book is all recipes and excerpts from the Brunetti books, very nicely designed, easy to read and access. Some wonderful and gentle watercolors of food by German illustrator Tatjana Hauptmann.

    There is another book with photos, I think. It's called BRUNETTI'S VENICE.

  10. Skye: You can copy down some of the recipes - or - I'll cook something and you can all come over. :)

  11. demie: Soon as I replace my now broken camera, there will be more pix.

    I want to make something from the great recipes and take a photo of it. This way we can all share in the feast. :)

  12. Mystica: I am without camera right now. But I am definitely going to cook something from the book and share the recipe and pix at some point. :)


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