
Friday, May 27, 2011

What on earth?!

Okay, now all the wonderful pix of my followers are missing from the blog. It's not bad enough that I can only enter  AND/OR edit my blog through a back door and that the formatting is occasionally still screwy AND that I can't really sign out - I'm in blog limbo-land far as I'm concerned - AND that there are still blogs I can't comment on, not even as 'anonymous' - but now the 'followers' icon which normally resides on the right hand side of my blog, has disappeared. Evaporated. Gone.

Anyone else having this problem?

What on earth is happening with Google Blogger? It's one annoying damn thing after another. Is this the 'new normal'?


  1. It's a shame, isn't it? My blog-formatting's been messed up for months (<--since March 24, 2011). You can report your problem HERE, but, honestly, I don't know why. It's apparent from the updates that little, if anything, is being done to remedy the situation. I guess all that's left to do about it is...DRINK! LOL!

    Bottoms uplu,

  2. P.S. My above sign-off was suppose to read: "Bottoms up-ly." Man, must I cut myself off already?! LOL!

    Have a good weekend!

  3. I haven't had any comments left on my blogs for the past week, which is unusual. If not genuine commenters, then spam. But nothing. Could just be a lull. Blogger is not always a smooth ride.

  4. The whole world is going to hell in a Google Blogger basket. I can't even format this comment response properly.
    We just have to wait it out. :)

  5. ...oh, and meant to add: grab a drink or two or three. HA!

  6. Jacqueline: No, it's probably Google Blogger run amok. There's been nothing but trouble for the past few weeks. Why should you be the exception? HA!!!

    I'm in wait and see mode....

  7. I can see your Followers just fine, Yvette. Are you sure you don't have a browser problem? You should check "Third Party cookies accepted" in your browser preferences. You won't be able to leave comments with Blogger until you check that box in your browser preferences.

  8. If the browser's at fault, then my daughter will tell me what to do. Ican comment on most blogs, just n on all of them. (Earlier in the week couldn't post on any blogs, but Skye fixed that for me.) Even this box I'm writing my response is at the moment is acting wonky. I can't see the entire thing, just parts of it.

  9. Here's a thought, Yvette. I can't sign into my blog at Chrome, but on Safari and Firefox it works just great. I see your followers' pictures just fine on Safari.

  10. Okay, then please tell me how I switch to Firefox. Kindergarten instructions, please.


  11. Never mind. Found the instructions for switching to Firefox. But I'm not going to do it until I get an ok from my daughter. She is control central. Ha!

  12. Yvette: I don't think the missing followers is browser related. Mine aren't showing up on either Explorer (laptop) or Desktop (Mozilla Firefox). Overall, blogger seems to work better on Firefox, but I don't know what's up with the followers. It still tells me I have 291 just won't picture them.

  13. Phew! Thanks Bev, I was beginning to think I was the only one with missing followers. Yeah it still tells me on the dashboard page that I have followers, but just refuses to show them. HA!

  14. We're still here, Yvette -- I would never desert you in your hour of need. We need to commiserate with our blogging headaches. I still get the run-around loop to sign in/comment and still have some of my comments disappear. :(

    In case I come up anonymous, it's me, Joanne @ Slice of Life.

  15. Yeah, Blogger is still in hissy fit mode. I assume they're working to fix it but who knows? *sigh*

    Although... that said... it does look like I can once again comment on your blog and not have to be anonymous.

  16. Hi Joanne, glad you dropped by. Before I forget, if you don't see comments by me on your blog it's only because I can't get through. Not even with anonymous.

    Thanks for sharing the pain. HA!

  17. Cath: Maybe they're beginning to take some action? I don't know. Mine is still wonky. Not showing followers and still not able to enter through the face of the blog. This back door thing is so annoying.

    If you don't see any comment from me on your blog, it's not for lack of trying.

    It's really hit or miss where it will let me post a comment.

    Maybe they'll have it figured out by next week... ;)

  18. I was having problems with the new version of Internet Explorere but ever since I switched to Google Chrome I haven't had any problems other than my post wants to double space inbetween the first paragraph and the second paragraph. Doesn't do that any other time, but who knows. I'm knocking on wood that it's the extent of my problems, since I can deal with that one.

    I do like the pop up window for commenting though.

  19. I enthusiastically recommend Firefox as your browser. I really think once you download it and start using that as you connection to the internet you will be problem free. It's so much better on multiple levels. But I'm a Mac person and abhor anything to do with the Microsoft empire.

  20. Yep, about a month ago I had to switch to Firefox only when using blogger. explorer screws my whole blog up. Now, on Firefox I'm having trouble signing in and my followers appear and then disappear on a regular basis. Blogger-schmogger - I'm not going to let it ruin my day. I promise not to desert you in your troubles, Yvette.

  21. I'm going to switch - well, my daughter will do it for me. I said: it looks easy enough. She said: wait for me to do it. I said:
    okeydokey. :)

    Maybe it will clear up some of the mess. But it sounds as if even with Firefox, Google Blogger is acting up.

    My followers have disappeared on my blog for now - day two.

    Thanks for stopping by Belle. :)

  22. Ryan: Well, we'll see what happens when I switch over to Firefox. I do wish the pix of my followers would come back. It's lonely here without 'em. :)

  23. John: Soon as my daughter has a free moment (BIG doings this weekend - a birthday bash for my granddaughter!) she's going to install Firefox for me.

    She asked me to wait. I agreed. :)

    I'm hoping for the best.

  24. Blogger has been having problems off-and-on from my point of view (I don't have a blog, I just like to read & comment on them) for several weeks now. For a while, I couldn't post comments on Blogger-hosted blogs; then I couldn't see graphics on them; then it would take forever to load a page (which would often cause my computer to lock up); then I couldn't click on links; etc. You get the idea. Based on comments I've read by Patti Abbott and Bill Crider, apparently Blogger isn't very good about letting people know what the problems are and how they're going to fix them. I know Google is encouraging people to go to "cloud computing," but if this is the way they handle problems, I'll take my chances with my own hard drive, thank you very much.

  25. Yvette so many bloggers that are through Blogspot, myself included, are having trouble leaving comments on some other Blogspot blogs. Blogger said they are aware of the problem and are working on it." It is very frustrating. Hopefully all will be back to normal soon!

  26. If that were the only problem, Pat...But my whole blog is askew. The followers icon is gone - kaput. My followers are invisible.

    I still can't enter the blog through the face page. All sorts of goodies like that.

    Between you and me, I don't think Google Blogger knows what's wrong at all.


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