
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday: Quote of the Day.

"The best decoration in the world is a roomful of books." Billy Baldwin.

If you love books, you should own: AT HOME WITH BOOKS How Booklovers Live with and Care for Their Libraries by Estelle Ellis, Caroline Seebohm and Christopher Simon Syke who did the wonderful photography. Cover photo is of Sir Fitzroy MacLean's library in Argyll, Scotland.
I own this book and I love it. Just sayin'... 

(I've talked about this book before and I guess, probably, I'll talk about it again. )


  1. Oh, my goodness, these pictures are incredible!! Love it!!

  2. They're all from this wonderful book. :)

  3. My dream is to someday have an entire room full of books and a chaise lounge and good reading lamp in the middle of it!

  4. Pat: Not very far from my own dream, Pat.

    I'd add a tray with a pot of darjeeling
    tea, some little cakes and sandwiches and I'd be all set. :)


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