
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Salon: This and That...

Actor Edward Hardwicke died this past week at the age of 78.  Many of us will remember him as the most excellent Watson to Jeremy Brett's Holmes in the PBS series of Sherlock Holmes' adventures produced in the 80's. The best encapsulation of Holmes and Watson in memory, far as I'm concerned. (Though I also loved David Burke in the part of Watson as well.)

A gentle actor with wit, grace and charm and, from what I understand, also a very nice man. Hardwicke will be mourned and missed by many. But at least we have the Holmes episodes to remember him by. Hardwicke was such a wonderful foil to Brett's Holmes' histrionics. A perfect partnership.

An aside: I've learned that Hardwicke was the son of 1940's actor Sir Cedric Hardwicke.Though he made many films, I remember Cedric Hardwicke mostly as the villainous coal mine owner in THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS  - a terrific thriller.

Along the lines of better late than never:
I finally gave in to peer pressure (!) and read THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins - will report tomorrow. YA books take a certain frame of mind and point of view. Occasionally I have it, but occasionally I don't. I have some good things to say about the book and also some not-so-good. Stay tuned.

Animal Kingdom, winner of the Kentucky Derby did not repeat at The Preakness yesterday, so once again, as in the past umpteen years, we will not have a Triple Crown Winner 2011. Just this week, I watched the film, SECRETARIAT with Diane Lane. It was a good film, just not a great one. But if you want to see the behind-the-scenes story of one of the greatest race horses and Triple Crown winners of all time (his record win at Belmont by 25 lengths, time: 2:24, - has never been equalled and probably never will), I say see the film, it's quite good enough to give you a flavor of what went on during those chauvinistic times. Diane Lane is wonderful as Penny Chenery (Tweedy), Secretariat's plucky owner.

Link here to see Secretariat's truly amazing win at the Belmont Stakes in 1973, putting the finishing touches on the first Triple Crown in - up until then - 25 years. To say it is thrilling still, these many years later, is mere understatement.

Personal note:
I'm plagued with continuing allergy attacks again this week, this time out my left eye is particularly bothersome. So I'm sitting here squinting at the screen jumping up every now and then to squirt eye drops and take an antihistamine and generally feeling miserable. But at least I have the blog to share the misery with. Ha!


  1. Poor you, Yvette. Hayfever? Not exactly a good idea to spend too much time in front of a screen, perhaps. (if it was me I'd lay down, close my eyes and listen tonan audio book!) Hope you're better soon ;-)

  2. I hope you get better soon.

  3. I sympathize. This has been the worst year for allergies that I can recall. I may have to break down and actually go to the doctor instead of self-medicating. Hope you're over it soon.

  4. I will add Secretariat to my library movie list.

    A wonderful movie, in case folks haven't seen it, is Seabiscuit, based on the book by Laura Hillenbrand, who wrote it even while disabled by a chronic illness.

    And I sympathize on allergies. I have very bad allergies, causing vertigo, etc. Today I had to take a lot of medication. Allegra helps.

    And I just read mysteries all weekend and focussed on the books, as a distraction. Jo Nesbo is mesmerizing.

    Of course, I had the dominating Dachshund to deal with as a favor to my neighbor. She also kept me busy -- and demanding! I kept giving in until I realized she didn't need to eat every two hours, and that I didn't have to give her food every time she went to my refrigerator and barked and whined. I finally said NO.

    Total wipe-out; it's like having a toddler, cannot get one thing done between the pooch and allergies.

  5. Carol: Thanks, m'dear. I'm struggling by. It's just a constant thing. Some days are better than others, but boy, as you said, it's been a truly bad year for allergies. GAK! (Me coughing up a hairball.) Ha!

  6. Sue H: I could spend all my time in bed, but life goes on. Allergies are a constant with me. But this Spring has been really bad. Can't give in, though. :)

  7. Ryan: Thanks so much. I'm trying....! :)

  8. Kathy: She sounds like a hoot! My little boy is the same. He thinks eating treats is an all day affair. Ha! I'm trying to put him on a diet. HAHA!!! (Good luck, Yvette.)

    Allergies are just so debilitating. It's all the medication, of course. But the body trying to fight off aerial invaders just wears itself out.

    But, onward and upward.

    I did see SEABISCUIT, in fact, I own it. Great film.

  9. I can commiserate, Yvette! My eye is still bothering me so much, and this has been going on for over a month. My opthamologist keeps telling me that it is healing but it is still swollen and hurts like @#X&!

    Take care of yourself --maybe run the air conditioner to filter out the pollen?

  10. Pat: Thanks, we're a fine pair - HA! I do run the air conditioner - but lately it's just been too damp and cold. Is this May? GAK!!

    Hope you're feeling better soon - take good care.


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