
Monday, May 16, 2011

My Immediate Reaction: OH! I Love This!!

Can't wait to see the film. The poster alone has sold me. Have just seen it, thanks to a Roger Ebert tweet. I've always been a periphery fan of TinTin and his dog Snowy (LOVE that name, in fact, love both names!). I am a major fan of the original artwork and the resultant posters over the years. Most especially love the posters in the original French.

If Spielberg and Jackson have done it right, this will be SOMETHING WONDERFUL.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My only hesitation: it's in 3D, not my favorite process.

But still:

To read more about The Adventures of TinTin please go here. To see the first movie trailer, please go here.


  1. Sheila: When I saw the poster for the first time I actually gasped. :) I have high hopes.

  2. Hi Yvette, and it is a Stephen Spielberg and Peter Jackson presentation. Yes, that poster. The dog is a dead give away. It is Tin Tin. I would have recognised him, even if I had not see the name on the poster It offers such an intriguing promise. I shall see it.

  3. It's in 3D because it's an animated movie. Voices provided by Daniel Craig, Simon Pegg, Andy Serkis as Capt Haddock and Jamie Bell as Tintin.

  4. John: I know it's an animated movie but that doesn't necessarily mean it HAS to be in 3-D. Oh well, we'll have to wait and see. Impatiently. :)

    I'm so happy they kept the little tuft of hair. VERY important.


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