
Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day: Have a good one!

Hope you're all able to spend the day with family and friends. I'll be at my granddaughter's birthday bash. Her first birthday was actually this past week, but we're celebrating today. BIG doings. I like to think that Julianna is like the Queen of England. She gets two birthdays: a Real Day and an Official Day. And why not?

Hint: This is the theme.


  1. Happy birthday to Julianna! As many days as she can have birthdays, the better. Why not?

    I actually read a book by Camilleri (laughed a lot), started Fer-de-Lance, watched a five-hour BBC/HBO thriller, Five Days (good) and Invictus about Nelson Mandela and rugby (excellent Morgan Freeman).

    It was fine.

  2. Sounds like you had a good day. We did too. Fun.


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