
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

This is a photo of me and my late mom once upon a time. Notice my two gun stance. My ferocious 'take no prisoners' glare. (I've still got both.) I was not then nor am I now, a smiley face.

I think my jacket was red and I had a great cowboy/girl hat which usually hung down my back from that string you see looped around my neck. I was packing heat and meant business.

My mom put up with a lot. She lived to be 89, so I had her with me for a good long while. She's only been gone a couple of years. But guess what: I still miss her. I always will.

Back then, I wanted to grow up to be a cowgirl, but in Manhattan, the chances were slim. I loved cowboy shows and movies and had this whole notion of moving west with Rowdy Yates and Gil Favor and Cheyenne and The Rifleman and The Lawman...never missed an episode. Hey, even then I knew a good looking man when I saw one. Ha!

So, to all you Mamas out there, pistol-packing or otherwise - cowgirls or otherwise - Have A Wonderful Mother's Day.


  1. Yvette, what a great photo!
    Happy Mother's Day!


  2. What a fine tribute to your mother!

    And it is so funny to read about your cowgirl past and look at your gorgeous, aesthetic blog surroundings. I think I have also changed a bit ´since Mom was a boy´ as my son says.

  3. Love that picture. Happy Mother's Day to you and your daughter. Better get that baby a cowboy hat and continue the tradition.

  4. mjoy: Thanks, it's one of my favorites! Have a great day yourself as well, kiddo. Thanks for dropping by. :)

  5. Dorte: Thanks so much! You know, there's a part of me that still wants to be a cowgirl. Ha! Happy Mother's Day, Dorte!

  6. Jacqueline: I love the picture too! A teeny, tiny cowboy hat - if I see one, I'm buying! Ha!

  7. Yvette, this post was really great. I confess, I was a very 'female' kid, but never forgot my revolvers and could appreciate a handsome face even then.
    Your mother in this picture looks like your elder sister. I remember very well when she died, I was new at the forum, and you were a star then. I remember her calvary so well, and then what followed. I was really concerned, even though I didn't know you as well as I know you now.
    The forum gave me a lot, in terms of frindship. I'm so happy to have occasionally started to read Lee.
    I hope you were given many kisses by your daughters and son today. You deserve them.
    ps. And by Rocky, of course. The Boss.

  8. Hi Yvette!
    Happy Mother's Day! This is a wonderful photo of your beautiful mother.
    I also wanted to be a cowgirl when I was around five. I had a crush on The Lone Ranger and also on Zorro :)

  9. Hope it was a great Mother's Day, Yvette. Judging from the two-gun stance, I'd better stay on your good side... ;-)

  10. Viv: I'm so happy you dropped by to post. Thanks for your kind words. Yes, Lee's Forum has led to many friendships. I mean, look at us. Look how close we are and yet you live halfway across the world. :) We've been through a lot in the last few years, that's for sure. I had kisses today and plenty of good food - We all went to a very excellent brunch. I can hardly move from all the food I managed to gobble. Ha!

  11. Pat: Cowgirls Unite! Ah, Zorro and The Lone Ranger. How well I remember. Also Paladin and Steve McQueen in Wanted Dead or Alive. Good times.

    My mom really was a dish. I sometimes forget how pretty she was, but then I run across an old photo and it brings the young woman she was then, back to me. I love her outfit too. :)

  12. Les: Oh, you're SO right. Ha! I wish I still had those guns - I think they were cap pistols. I was a terror. :)

    Thanks, Les. I had a great Mother's Day.

  13. Love the picture. I'm glad you were able to enjoy your mom for so long. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

  14. That is a beautiful picture of you and your mother. She was stunning. You were very cute in that outfit, and meaning business.

    Very glad you had a great day with your family.

    Me, I was the child who wore an Indian-style feathered headdress around when I was young, no cowgirl here. However, I confess when the kids next door (we didn't have a tv for a few years) watched Hopalong Cassicy and The Long Ranger, I watched them both. I had a crush on Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and loved Trigger. When my mother cleaned out her house, she gave me their autographed photo which I had saved for years. Who knew?

    So glad you had a great Mother's Day.

  15. Ryan: Had a great day, thanks. Yes, I was very fortunate to have my mom for many years. But I wanted her to live forever. :)

  16. Kathy: Yes, I LOVE this picture of me and my mom. I was an odd kid, so my mom had to put up with plenty. Ha!

    I loved Roy Rogers, too! Used to watch the cowboy serials.

    Had a great day, thanks.

  17. I have no such picture of me despite being a cowgirl too. A great picture to end my day.

  18. I miss Nana too! I think about her every day...

  19. You're lucky to have had your mother for so long, and that she was such a terrific mother.

    Mine is 93 and has dementia and lives in assisted living. I lost her as herself a long time ago, but she's still as feisty as ever and has a come-back line always.

  20. Patti: Thanks! I'm lucky to have this picture. There's one of me on a pony somewhere about. I'm hoping I'll run across it one of these days. :)

  21. Skye: Not a day goes by that I don't think of her as well, Skye. It's hard. But a bit of her lives on in your daughter. :)

  22. Kathy: It must be difficult for you. I wish it were otherwise. My mom got a bit confused at the end, but I know it could have been much worse. I concentrate on the good memories.

  23. Beautiful photo Yvette, thank you for sharing it with us. You look like you were a little tearaway!

  24. Nicolas: I was. Oh my goodness, I was! :)


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