
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

A good and sunny Spring day - perfect for dancing in the streets (for those inclined) in celebration of Cinco de Mayo. Rocky the chihuahua and I will be holding a more quite celebration mostly having to do with good food - a burrito or two would not be amiss. We'd rather be dancing, but, at our age, we take our fun where we can find it.

Painting by artist Sandra Bierman. If you'd like to learn more about her work, please visit her website at this link.


  1. Hi, Yvette! I have to confess I had no idea what this celebration was all about (thank goodness for Google!) - am intrigued by the picture and will go and investigate when I am done here!

    Meanwhile, thanks for your comments on my blog during the A-Z challenge - phew, am relieved the pressure is off a bit, now!

    But - one of my new bloggy friends has 'tagged' me and I felt duty bound to pass the baton on, so consider yourself got


  2. Hi Sue: It's a commemoration of the routing of the French from a Mexican town sometime in the late 19th century, or so I believe. Good excuse for dancing in the streets. Ha! Thanks for the tag, now to come with some answers....

  3. Happy Cinco de Mayo! I was reminded of this great day on tv on the morning's news.

    Have a great day, you and Rocky, and everyone else who celebrates it.

  4. This day is also a day to remember to look at my Diego Rivera mural paintings and to look up Frida Kahlo's paintings on the Internet...both incredible artists.

  5. I don't really do much celebrating, but it's the thought that counts. Wouldn't mind a beer, though. ;) OR a margarita. Ha!

    Oh yes, I should have thought of Diego Rivera, I love his murals. Kahlo, not so much. Too much exposed pain. (In reality, they were both difficult people. He was SUCH a womanizer. Though if you look at him, you have to wonder - huh?)

  6. Yes. Agree. I like Rivera's murals more than Kahlo's painful paintings, but she was very talented.

    I have a framed painting from a larger Rivera mural, which belonged to my parents.

    They were difficult people, couldn't live with each other, couldn't live without each other.

    The movie about Kahlo with Salma Hayek is good.

  7. Lovely painting. Art from Latin America is so colorful and full of nature.

  8. Kathy: I saw the film, but I thought it lacked...are you ready? I thought it lacked 'artistry'. It was all about show - in my personal opinion. I did love how she dressed with all those gorgeous and colorful skirts. :)

  9. Patti: I'm not sure of the ethnicity of this particular artist, but her paintings have a nice feel to them. Her choice of color is very rich but in a quiet way. Very nice.

  10. I hear that. The film did not have much about Kahlo's artistry; it was about her life, ill health, friendships, fiery relationship with Rivera.

  11. Kathy: It was ok. I just didn't love it. :)

  12. I like Kahlo and Salma Hayek, so that swayed me. I loved looking at Kahlo's house, the decor, colors, art, pottery, plants.

    The movie was made to be a popular film, so relationships were key and sensationalized.

    I think a documentary about her art would be better. I have seen a documentary about Rivera and the history of his art and also censorship of some of his murals, which included a bit about Kahlo, but not too much.

  13. Kathy: Yes, I loved looking at the fashions and the house and the bright colors of the outer walls and such. I've seen a documentary about her work as well as Rivera's. On PBS, probably.

  14. My section of the Rivera painting is of a group of peasants sleeping. Colors are simple, but the feeling is quite moving.

    I have some Mexican artwork, would like more without paying an arm and a leg, as is said.

  15. Kathy: Lucky you. I guess if you can catch an artist on the way up, the work would still be affordable. Or you could do as I do and buy prints and/or posters. :)


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