
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Speaking of Gorgeous Book Covers...

Have you seen these truly amazing needlepoint book covers commissioned by Penguin for their new Penguin Threads line? Several of their classic titles are now dressed to charm. Design blogs were buzzing about this yesterday. Artist Jillian Tamaki did the superb needle work - check out her website. Kudos to Penguin for attempting something different in an age of repetition and sameness.


  1. why didn't my gram teach me to do this when I was a kid? I might be reading altered books inside covers lie these now!!

  2. Now that would make me put the Kindle away permanently.

  3. Truly beautiful! Well done, Penguin, for reminding us that mass-production will always be out-done by individuality!

  4. Healigan: You too could now be doing book covers.It's never too late. Embroidery is a lot of fun if I remember correctly. But you gotta' have patience! :)

  5. Patti: They're printing them in that special process which makes texture - forgot what it's called. But they should be wonderful. I believe they're going on sale in September this year.

  6. Simon: Yes. Spectacularly so. :)

  7. Sue: Penguin is doing lots of good design work. Did you see the Dorothy Parker cover on my Gorgeous Covers post? They are just full of innovation. Not just lately, by the way.

  8. All of these great covers make me want to buy new copies of books!

  9. Lisa: Me too! I am definitely going to get at least one of these Penguin Thread covers.

  10. These are just gorgeous, thanks for sharing them. I love beautiful cover designs.

  11. lyn: These are definitely unique. Can't wait to see them in actuality. The books will be available in September of this year, far as I know. Thanks for dropping by, lyn.


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