
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting

Celebration Day by Swedish artist: Fanny Brate (1861 (2) - 1940) There's not much information online about this artist who influenced Carl Larsson's work. But the little I found is here at this link. Brate's work is a recent discovery for me and I am totally smitten by her use of gentle color, especially in this painting, one of her more well-known works. A good choice I think for Saturday of Easter weekend.

These lush flowers look drowsy, languid and lazy. Love the varying shades of pink and the little pansy tucked in among its more elegant brethren.


  1. I love the use of blue and white in the top painting. It looks like a nice place to stay cool when it's too warm outside.

  2. Yes, a very Swedish combo - those colors. I love them too. Very cool, very quiet. Just lovely. The decorations too are very Swedish.A very definite 'look'. I like it a lot.

  3. Lovely flowers on a dreary, rainy day.

    Up all night cleaning out newspapers, have a huge garbage full ... would I rather have read? YES!

  4. Katy: Dreary chores about the house today as well. Grim, gray day. Ah, Spring. Ha!


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