
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Official: Angelina Jolie will play CLEOPATRA!

Don't know about you, but this is a film I will definitely want to see. Jolie is a great choice to play Cleopatra. As to who should play Marc Anthony? I pick Daniel Craig. Yes? No? For Julius Caesar I pick Jeremy Irons. Yes? No?

Can't wait to see what they make of this fabulous historical epic. The last time out with Elizabeth Taylor as Cleo, scandal eclipsed the film. In truth the film just wasn't very good - too much pomp, not enough circumstance. Though Liz, of course, was stupefyingly gorgeous.
I'm wondering if the film will be based on the new book, CLEOPATRA: A Life, by Stacy Schiff.


  1. Yes, I think so. Unless they muck it all up, sounds like a winner to me. :)

  2. Hmmm, she does look great for the role. I vote Daniel Craig as Caesar (he was fair haired afterall) and has actually kind of looks like his statues! For Antony, it's hard to say, I'm really not up on the current actors out there. Just please don't cast Eric Bana!

  3. Julie: I think she'll be perfect. Daniel Craig as Caesar? Hmmmm. Maybe. Caesar was much older than Cleo I think, but they could make it work. Then Marc Anthony could be played by...Brad Pitt? Too gimmicky?

  4. Much as I love Jolie I can't help but wonder why the producers wouldn't want to cast an model who might actually look the part. After all, that was on of the (many) faults of the original; Liz Taylor just didn't pull of "Egyptian."

  5. Well, but remember that Cleopatra was mostly of Greek descent. A descendant of the Ptolemies who spoke Greek. I think Jolie could look the part with the right make-up and whatever.

  6. I did some thinking and came up with some casting: Russell Crowe as Antony (we know he looks good as a Roman from Gladiator). Ralph Fiennes as Julius Caesar is a possibility, maybe even Colin Firth as Caesar, but definitely not as Antony - as much as I love him, he doesn't have the sexual charisma needed for the part.

  7. Julie: I think Crowe might be a bit too old now to play Anthony. But it MIGHT work. Fiennes as Caesar is good. I still like Daniel Craig as Anthony. He is LOADED with sexual charisma. Ha!
    I can't wait to see who they cast. The news should be coming along pretty quickly now that Jolie has signed on.


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