
Monday, March 21, 2011

First Day of Spring?

You wouldn't know it by the snow on the ground. What a way to welcome in the new season: snow on the ground and the skies grim and gray. It's the kind of damp cold that makes your bones ache. Makes you want to crawl back under the covers. I simply could not believe my eyes when I woke up today. Oh well, the sun will come up tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be spring.


  1. We have 3-4 inches of snow here- Arrgghh!! Some first day of spring. Good thing is, it usally melts fast this time of year. :)

  2. You didn't happen to catch the end of Zach Galifianakis' SNL monologue a couple of Saturdays back, did you? If not, cLiCkY-cLiCkY--> HERE. It might help melt your snow.

    Happy Spring!

  3. Skye: We got about two. Now it's mostly icy slush. Some snow still on the lawns and bushes. What a pain. But I'm not complaining. Much. ;)

  4. Sparkle: Thanks for the link! Hilarious. Poor Annie, so maligned. Ha!

  5. The snow missed us today but may arrive Wednesday. I am wearing tons of fleece house seems so cold and damp.

    Glad your computer problems are fixed!

  6. Pat: I'm bundled up in fleece too. And I haven't removed my fleece blanket from the bed. I thought about doing it a few days ago, but I'm glad I didn't. Who knows what tonight may bring?
    Yeah, it's that damp rawness I hate.

  7. Just when I was ready to pack up my snowmen for the next three seasons, it got all gloomy and wintery. Now they feel like they belong again but I want to replace them with something bright and happy!

  8. Lisa: I couldn't believe my eyes this morning. Ugh! I'm waiting for 'bright and happy' to occur for a few days running. :)


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