
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday: Quote for the Day

Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.

George Bernard Shaw


  1. wise words Yvette, i have to agree!!:)

  2. Shaw was a very wise man. Though I understand he was also a bit of a 'know it all.' Ha!

    Thanks for stopping by, Martha. :)

  3. "The Gossips" is one of my favorite Rockwells - I have a print of it hanging on my wall at home.

  4. Les: It's brilliant! So difficult to do this kind of thing. I love Rockwell. PLUS it's very funny. :)

  5. By the way, the woman in the third row - second and third "head" from the left - is Rockwell's wife, Mary. She appears in a number of his works. What an amazing artist he was - glad he's coming back in popularity.

  6. And he often placed himself in the picture as well. What a hoot. From what I understand all his neighbors and friends were likely to show up in his work. :)


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